Peer Assessment on Grade Eight Students’ Descriptive Essay Writing at a Lower Secondary School in Bhutan


  • Tashi Tshering
  • Ubon Sanpatchayapong


Peer assessment, Descriptive Essay Writing, Lower Secondary School


This research was conducted to explore how Grade Eight students developed and valued peer assessment in descriptive essay writing. The study was conducted in a Lower Secondary School in Bhutan in the second semester of the school year 2015 from August until the end of September. The study was conducted with 35 Grade Eight students in a Lower Secondary School in Bhutan. These 35 participants were selected based on the scores they have secured in their descriptive essay writing in the midterm exam in 2015. The researcher adopted mixed method research design for the study. Data were collected from interviews, questionnaires, students’ reflective journals and teacher’s journal.  

The first finding discovered that the development of peer assessment encouraged the participants to shoulder the responsibility as the assessors, enhanced collaboration among the peers, improved their language in writing essay, and provided them the opportunity to experience peer assessment. The second finding from the study revealed that peer assessment training improved participants’ learner satisfaction. The post-questionnaire (Part II) helped the researcher in confirming this finding. The overall mean which


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How to Cite

Tshering, T., & Sanpatchayapong, U. (2016). Peer Assessment on Grade Eight Students’ Descriptive Essay Writing at a Lower Secondary School in Bhutan. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 10(2), 1–11. retrieved from



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