The Development of Critical Thinking by Using James McKernan’s Time Cycle Process of the Action Research Model for Matthayomsueksa 5 Students


  • Kunthida Phungthaisong Faculty of Education Mahasarakham University
  • Chawalit Chookhampaeng Mahasarakham University


Cycle Process of the Action Research Model, Critical thinking, Development of Thinking


This research aimed to develop the critical thinking level of Matthayomsueksa 5 students and to compare their critical thinking before and after learning by using James McKernan’s time cycle process in the action research model. They were acted in two cycles. The target group consisted of 29 Matthayomsueksa 5 students of Naphoopittayakhom School selected by using the purposive sampling technique. Research instruments were lesson plans, Critical Thinking assessment, Observation form, and Achievement test. The data were analyzed both quantitative and qualitative. The results were as follows: 1) Critical Thinking level of the students in the first time cycle; twenty two students could pass a 70-percent criteria but they lacked of understanding in learning process. Then the second time cycle was focus on group activities; students cooperated and did the critical thinking skill exercises together. And 2) All students have been developed the Critical Thinking, the scores of the learning achievement posttest was higher than pretest.


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How to Cite

Phungthaisong, K. ., & Chookhampaeng, C. (2020). The Development of Critical Thinking by Using James McKernan’s Time Cycle Process of the Action Research Model for Matthayomsueksa 5 Students. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 14(1), 50–61. retrieved from



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