The Effect of Digital Media Creativity of Office of Insurance Commission (OIC) on Motivating Yasothon People to Apply for Voluntary Car Insurance


  • อโนมา อินทรีย์ สำนักงานคณะกรรมการกำกับและส่งเสริมการประกอบธุรกิจประกันภัยจังหวัดยโสธร
  • จุรีวัลย์ ภักดีวุฒิ Advisors Master of Business Administration Program Faculty of Business Administration and Accountancy, Roi Et Rajabhat University


Creativity, Digital Media, Motivation


This research aims are: 1) Study the digital media creativity of OIC and the motivation of Yasothon people in applying for voluntary car insurance 2) Compare the motivation for voluntary car insurance of people in Yasothon province classified by personal factors 3) Study the relationship and the effect of digital media creativity of OIC on the motivation for voluntary car insurance of people in Yasothon province. The population was people in Yasothon province who applied for voluntary care insurance. The data was collected by questionnaires from 400 samples and analyzed by descriptive statistic, independent t-test, one way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis. The result finds that the digital media creativity of OIC is at high level. The motivation for voluntary car insurance of people in Yasothon province is at high level. People who have different gender, salary and career have no different in motivation of applying for voluntary car insurance. People who have different education and age have different motivation to apply for voluntary car insurance. The relationship between digital media creativity of OIC and the motivation for voluntary car insurance are positive at medium level. Fluency thinking is the most effective digital media creativity to motivate people to apply for voluntary car insurance.


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How to Cite

อินทรีย์ อ., & ภักดีวุฒิ จ. (2019). The Effect of Digital Media Creativity of Office of Insurance Commission (OIC) on Motivating Yasothon People to Apply for Voluntary Car Insurance. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 13(2), 53–63. retrieved from



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