Tracking System and Accident Position Alert of Motorcycle using GPS, GSM Network and Android Application


  • เชี่ยวชาญ ยางศิลา Roi Et Rajabhat University


tracking system and accident position alert of motorcycle, GPS, GSM


The objective of this research is to develop a tracking system and accident position alert of motorcycle by using GPS, GSM network and android application. This system can send alerts to android application via the internet whenever the motorcycle is tilted, the driver’s relatives can detect the location of accidents and route details for saving lives. The alert system design is based on the principle of embedded system and hardware is composed as follows: 1) Arduino board is used as controller. 2) GPS module is used to detect the latitude and longitude for tracking the motorcycle’s location. 3) GSM module is used to send alerts and send the latitude and longitude from motorcycle through GPRS to web server and google spreadsheets respectively. 4) Accelerometer sensor 5) Regulator is used to adjust the voltage. 6) Resistor and 7) Relay. Moreover, software is composed as follows: 1) Firebase cloud messaging or FCM is used to send alerts through an android application. 2) Android studio is used to develop an android application. 3) Arduino IDE is used to develop software for controlling Arduino board. 4) Web server is used to receive the warning information from GPS module, manage data payload and transmit it to FCM. and 5) Google spreadsheets is used to get latitude and longitude of monitoring path. The results of system testing are found that 1) The alert system has 100% accuracy and 2) The system can be detected the location of accidents and route details correctly. However, the accuracy of the system is depended on GPRS service in the each location.


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How to Cite

ยางศิลา เ. (2019). Tracking System and Accident Position Alert of Motorcycle using GPS, GSM Network and Android Application. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12, 14–25. retrieved from



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