Community Participation: Food Security Strengthening Through Nong Han Watershed Forest Management, Sakhonakorn Province


  • ภัชราภรณ์ สาคำ Program in Community Development, Humanities and Social Sciences, Sakon Nakhon Rajaphat Univesity,


participation, food security, watershed forest


This research article aims to analyze relevant factors related to food security strengthening under participatory watershed forestmanagement. Qualitative research methods were used including observation, semi-structure interview, focused group discussion, and descriptive analysis. Site selection was purposive to villages alongNamPung river called Lup Lao community, and the target groups were community organizations, forest users within and outside of the community, community leaders as well as representatives from relevant organizations. The research found Lup Lao community has 5 plots of community forest with total area of 5,654 rai, located in Dong ChomPhuPhan – Pa Dong Kra Cher forest reserve area and in the public land. However, the villagers could still enjoy seasonal forest products which sufficient for their household consumptions and accounted for 30 percent of the households’ annual food consumption. In addition, some households could sell the forest products and earn additional income. The key factors contributed to food security were 1) having common goal in managing each community forest plot among members, 2) agroforestry development in the community forests and farm’s edge, 3) community awareness on sustainable use of forest resources at the household and community levels, 4) growing economic crops for additional income, 5) development of common agreements and rules towards the implementation, 6) increasing of forest area and biodiversity, as well as 7) supports from relevant organizations. These are all key factors to strengthen food security under the context of participatory watershed forest management and can be scale up to strengthen food security in other watershed areas.


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How to Cite

สาคำ ภ. (2018). Community Participation: Food Security Strengthening Through Nong Han Watershed Forest Management, Sakhonakorn Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12(2), 239–252. retrieved from



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