The Preservation of Nong Kung Chan Phang Village Cotton Weaving Wisdom. Case Study: Thak Tor Thai Group in Nong Kung Chan Phang village, Nong Rue Sub-District, Nonsang District, Nongbualamphu Province.


  • ณมน ธนินธญางกูร Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Roi Et Rajabhat University.
  • วรพจน์ พรหมจักร Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Roi Et Rajabhat University.
  • สุภิภัตร์ บุญแน่น Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences, Roi Et Rajabhat University.


Preservation, Local wisdom, Cotton weaving


The objectives of this study were to 1) study the local wisdom of cotton weaving at Ban Nong Kung Charn Pang. 2) investigate the guidelines of preserving local wisdom of cotton weaving of Ban Nong Kung Charn Pang. Ten participants of this study were from two target groups: the official leaders and the workers in the community. The structured and the unstructured interviews were selected as instruments for gathering the data. The three-dimensional method was used for data analysis. For data presentation, descriptive analysis was shown in this study. The results revealed that the background of cotton weaving at Ban Nong Kung Chan Pang was based on the citizens’ knowledge and experience in weaving. In addition, the citizens in this community started weaving cotton for their family, then they were trained in weaving by “Thak Tor Thai” group. After. that, they transferred their knowledge of weaving to the nearby community. Nowadays, cotton weaving of this community has been developed to be distinguished and unique. As for guidelines to preserve local wisdom of cotton weaving, various transferring knowledge of cotton weaving have been transferred to learners such as statement, learning by doing, and establishment of the cotton weaving profession group in the community. Moreover, the weaving network has been promoted, and the cooperation of knowledgeable people and community leaders has also been promoted in order to promote the supportive networks of community producers and other communities. From the results of this research above, it is said that the preservation of local wisdom of cotton weaving should be promoted by cultivating good moral traits for the local people, especially the youth in the community.


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How to Cite

ธนินธญางกูร ณ., พรหมจักร ว., & บุญแน่น ส. (2018). The Preservation of Nong Kung Chan Phang Village Cotton Weaving Wisdom. Case Study: Thak Tor Thai Group in Nong Kung Chan Phang village, Nong Rue Sub-District, Nonsang District, Nongbualamphu Province. Journal of Roi Et Rajabhat University, 12(2), 23–34. retrieved from



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