Publication Ethics
Publication Ethics
Duties of authors
- The Article submissions must be a proof of the new work, which has never been proceeding and published anywhere.
- The article submitted by the author must present a report of true information that was created by the research without distorting the information or giving false information.
- If the work of another person is used in the work of the author, must reference that work and appear in the reference list at the end of the article.
- The published article must comply with the format specified in the recommendation for submitting the original thesis of the journal, otherwise the editor will not consider the article.
- The article with the author's name appears must be a participant in the actual research, with the editorial team considering the possibility of the article.
- The article must identify the sources of funds to support this research in acknowledgment.
- The authors must specify conflicts of interest (if any).
Duties of editors
- The editor of the journal is responsible for determining the format, completeness, and quality of the article before beginning the evaluation process by a qualified person for publication in the responsible journal.
- The editor will not disclose any information during the period of evaluation of the article and the publication of that magazine to unrelated parties, whether it is for the author or the article appraiser.
- The editors will be the preliminary assessor of the decision to select articles to go into the publishing process and consider publishing articles that have passed the article evaluation process, based on the evaluation results of the experts from the importance, freshness, clarity and consistency of content and policy of the magazine is important.
- Editors will not publish articles that have been published elsewhere, either in the form of journals or post-presentations at the full academic conference (Proceeding).
- Editors will not reject the publication of nonconforming articles until evidence has been identified.
- The editors will not have any conflict of interest with the authors, reviewers and management teams.
- The editors will review plagiarism in an article using a credible program, and if there is clear evidence or confirmation that someone else's work is copied,The editor will contact the author for a clarification and if there is no academic explanation, the editor will refuse to publish the article.
Duties of reviewers
- The reviewer will not disclose the information of the article and the author to unrelated parties throughout the assessment period (Confidentiality).
- The reviewer must not have conflicts of interest with the author, such as a co-author or others that will make the reviewer unable to independently assess and make recommendations.
- The reviewer will evaluate the article in the specialist field by considering the content of the article and evaluate the article by considering the importance, freshness, clarity and consistency of the content, not using personal opinions that do not have academic information to support as a basis for deciding articlesBy not using personal opinions that do not have academic information to support as a basis for deciding articles.
- The reviewer can suggest important and consistent research results in the event that the author does not mention in an article evaluation.
- If the reviewer finds that the article is identical or redundant to the work of others with clear evidence, the reviewer can reject the publication and notify the editor.