Journal for Developing the Social and Community <p><strong>Old name: Journal of Research and Development Institute, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University</strong></p> <p><strong>New name: Journal for Developing the Social and Community </strong></p> <p>Old Number ISSN 2697-469X (Online), ISSN 2697-4681 (Print)</p> <p>New Number ISSN 3056-9672 (Online)</p> <p>Journal of Research and Development Institute, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University has been producing academic journals as a channel to disseminate academic works to researchers and academics. Issued 3 issues/year, namely issue 1 January-April, issue 2 May-August, and issue 3 September-December.</p> <p>Every article has been screened by experts with specific expertise.</p> <p>The important thing is to thank all the authors of the articles for their efforts to create academic works and to trust the Journal of the Research and Development Institute, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University as a channel to disseminate quality creations.</p> <p>Those who are interested in publishing academic works or searching for academic information, as well as searching for articles at the website <a href=""></a></p> <p>The editorial board would like to thank all editorial committees for their kind suggestions for improving the journal's academic management standards so that the articles have a more appropriate academic standard.</p> สถาบันวิจัยและพัฒนา มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏมหาสารคาม en-US Journal for Developing the Social and Community 3056-9672 <p>Articles that are published are copyrighted by the authors of the articles</p> Study on the Management of Sports Facilities in Maha Sarakham Province <p>The objective of this research is to study the management of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Sports Complex in terms of 4 M management (Man, Money, Material, and Method) and the management process (POSDCoRB). The research utilized a data collection tool consisting of a questionnaire distributed to 400 users of the sports complex, including those who use the facilities for exercise and sports activities. Data was collected both in person and online, and analyzed for percentages, averages, and standard deviations.</p> <p> The results were as follows :</p> <ol> <li>The results 4 M Management: Overall, the 4 M management aspects were rated highly. The staff’s interpersonal skills at the Maha Sarakham Provincial Sports Complex were considered good. The appropriateness of the service fees for sports events was deemed satisfactory. The number of sports facilities available, such as football fields, swimming pools, fitness centers, and grandstands, was sufficient for service provision.</li> <li>Management Process (POSDCoRB): Overall, the management process was rated highly. The staff at the sports complex were found to hold meetings and plan before performing their duties. They executed their responsibilities systematically and prepared the sports facilities for users effectively. Convenience in accessing the sports complex was noted, and there was effective public communication regarding events and sports competitions through various channels. As a result, users of the Maha Sarakham Provincial Sports Complex expressed a high level of satisfaction with the management of the facility in all aspects.</li> </ol> Thidarat At-takit Singhalakhon Singhalakhon Sintusiri Sintusiri Weerayut Kongwongsa Apipawut Parawat Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-10-24 2024-10-24 11 3 1 18 Product Management Strategies for the Elderly Consumer Market <p>Effective product management for the elderly consumer segment is a significant challenge for businesses today. With the continuously increasing aging population, this consumer market presents an attractive target in terms of potential and purchasing power. This research aims to study appropriate product management strategies for the elderly by considering the specific behaviors, needs, and limitations of this group.</p> <p>The article will begin by reviewing literature on demographic changes and their impacts on marketing. It will then analyze the distinct behaviors and needs of the elderly in areas such as product design, marketing communications, and distribution channels. Additionally, it will examine the constraints and challenges associated with marketing to this segment.</p> <p>Finally, the article will present a conceptual framework and strategic recommendations for product management that addresses the needs of the elderly, in terms of product design, pricing, promotion, and distribution channels. These recommendations will be useful for marketers and businesses in developing and managing products that can effectively attract and satisfy elderly consumers</p> Somjai Srinet Amnuay Boonrattanamaitree Thitima Holumyong Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-11-27 2024-11-27 11 3 19 34 The Integration of Language Knowledge and Lao Wiang Folklores into Learning Innovation for Students in Donka Sub-district, U Thong District, Suphanburi Province <p>This Research has two main objectives: 1) Integrate knowledge on language and folklore of the Lao Vieng ethnic group, and 2) Develop learning innovations related to the language and folklore of the Lao Vieng ethnic group for the youth. This research was conducted by implementing qualitative research methods based on educational entertainment theory, cultural heritage concepts, and concepts of representation, mean, and standard deviation. The research results indicate that the integration process produced two sets of knowledge: 1) Learning materials on language and culture for the youth of Don Ka Village, and 2) Exhibition-style knowledge materials for presentation to the academic public for review and extraction of knowledge, to develop appropriate learning innovations. The innovation takes the form of a set of activities including discussions, demonstrations of traditional Don Ka practices, camps, drama, and toys. Observations by participating teachers for evaluating learning behaviors found that this innovation, in the form of a set of activities, promoted learning with a learner-centered approach. It enhanced social skills, communication, and collaboration, and fostered pride and appreciation for the local language and folk tales. The approach and methods are deemed suitable for use as supplementary local curriculum activities. The overall quality was rated at 4.40 (SD = 0.50), indicating a very high level of appropriateness.</p> <p> </p> Nattee Phechburi Chasinee samranin Tanamon Klinchandaeng Boonsomying Polamuangdee Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-11-28 2024-11-28 11 3 35 50 Development of Digital Media to Introduce Ecotourism Attractions in Wiang Kao District using Augmented Reality Technology <p>The research on the development of digital media to introduce ecotourism attractions in Wiang Kao district using Augmented Reality (AR) technology has the following objectives: 1) to develop digital media for ecotourism attractions in Wiang Kao district, Khon Kaen Province, and 2) to study the satisfaction of users of Augmented Reality (AR) media. This digital media consists of photographs of tourist attractions and information about tourist attractions in Wiang Kao district, where tourists can view tourist attraction information and pictures of tourist attractions in Wiang Kao district through media to support their decision-making in traveling to relax more easily. The sample group used in this research was divided into 2 groups: 1) system efficiency assessment, consisting of 5 experts in multimedia technology and linguistics, and 2) satisfaction assessment, consisting of 384 sample tourists. The research instruments consisted of a mobile application for introducing ecotourism attractions in Wiang Kao district using Augmented Reality (AR) technology, an efficiency assessment form, and a satisfaction assessment form. The statistics used for data analysis were mean and standard deviation. The research results found that (1) the mobile application media for introducing eco-tourism attractions in Wiang Kao district using Augmented Reality (AR) technology can be used with interested tourists. (2) The efficiency of the mobile application media for introducing eco-tourism attractions in Wiang Kao district using Augmented Reality (AR) technology was assessed as very good <strong>(</strong> <strong>= </strong>4.66, <strong>S.D.</strong>= .29<strong>)</strong> (3) The evaluation of user satisfaction was assessed as good <strong>(</strong><strong> = </strong>4.31, <strong>S.D.</strong>= .495<strong>)</strong></p> Sommarsh Somjainueck Kotchaporn Taowklang Suwannee Hampituk Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-11-28 2024-11-28 11 3 51 60 Analysis of Identity in creating short stories of Students Majoring in Thai Faculty of Education, Maha Sarakham Rajabhat University <p>This classroom research on “ An analysis of identity of creative short stories written by the second year students majoring in Thai language in semester 1 of the academic year 2022, Thai Language Division, Faculty of Education, Rajjabhat Mahasarakham University” aimed to 1) Analysis of identity of creative short stories written by the second year students majoring in Thai language in semester 1 of the academic year 2022, Thai Language Division, Faculty of Education, Rajjabhat Mahasarakham University and 2) to bring the results of the analysis for improvement and development of design of learning activities in the course of Creative Thinking and Writing Creation (1010201). The sample of the study consisted of 53 stories written by the 53 second year students, Faculty of Education, Rajjabhat Mahasarakham University, who studied in the course of Creative Thinking and Writing Creation in the semester 1 of the academic year 2022, Tool used to store data Instrument is Information identity of creative short stories 9 type namely “Inspiration” “Naming the stories” “Essence” “Outline” “Character” “Setting” “Presentation techniques” “Running the story” and “Needs of effect” ; Statistics for research is Frequency breakdown Then bring it to find the value percentage.</p> <p> The results of the study revealed as follows;</p> <ol> <li>According to the analysis of identity of short story creation, the results of the study of the 53 short stories showed that creation of inspiration was from the observation of life contexts the most from 18 short stories and from the conversation the least from 3 stories. Naming the stories was from naming important events the most from 18 stories and naming the stories from well-verses and songs the least from 3 stories. Regarding the creation of essence, it was found that the creation which displayed the images was the most from 29 stories and the creation of essence of behaviors was the least from 4 stories. Regarding the creation of outline, it was found that the students created the stories in terms of self-conflict the most from 25 stories and it was found that there was no story which involved political conflict. In terms of the creation of characters, it was found that setting the characters in a good way was found the most from 30 stories and setting the characters in a bad way was found the least from 4 stories. Upon the creation of setting and atmosphere, it was found that the students used the original contexts of life the most for 28 stories and using the natural setting was the least for 2 stories. Regarding the creation of presentation techniques, it was found that the students narrated the stories through the main characters the most for 26 stories and narrated the stories through the sub-characters the least for 1 story. Regarding the strategy of running the story, it was found that the students narrated the stories in terms of present-past-present modes the most from 23 stories and narrated the stories using the past presentation technique the least for 2 stories and for the needs of effects, it was found that the students focused on personal effects the most for 33 stories and there was no creation of the stories which affected the politics.</li> </ol> <p>2.Regarding the analysis of the results of the study for teaching and learning development, from the results of the study of the 53 stories, it was interestingly noticed that the students tended to bring the stories of people they know or those who are most related to their life as the information for writing their stories. That is to say, they did not tend to create their inspiration from meeting and talking with other people as the information for their writing. This indicates the personal life in the present. They tended to use important events to synthesize the names of the stories and created the essence of the stories through characters who are well-behaved. They used the basic presentation techniques which are generally used through the narration of main characters. That is to say, they narrated the stories starting from the present, the past and then the present which imitated the examples of the stories taught by the author in the classroom. And it is observed that the students did not use politics in their stories and this might be from their discourage, disinterestedness and boredom. These results showed that the teacher of the course should focus on creating inspiration in writing for students. It is suggested that the study of dept information and enhancing experience from reading more short stories help equip students to be a thoughtful person and support them to be interested in stories which involve societies and politics as more information for writing a story.</p> <p>The results of this study also indicate that in overall, the students understood the concept of writing a short story and gained some skills from learning about writing a short story at the satisfactory level.</p> Suthas Vongkrabakthaworn1 Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-11-28 2024-11-28 11 3 61 78 Developing a Practical Guideline for Key Stakeholders to Improve Spanish Curriculum Applying Developmental Evaluation and Case Study <p>The objective of this research is to study the Spanish curriculum implementation in school and to develop practical guidelines for key stakeholders to improve the Spanish curriculum in school applying developmental evaluation and case study. The target groups in this research are key stakeholders consist of school administrator, head of foreign languages department, teachers, students who study Spanish and experts of Spanish curriculum. The target groups are selected by purposive samplin The research instruments are questionnaires, semi-structured interviews and focus group discussion. The data are analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.</p> <p> The research results are as follows: 1) the opinions of school administrator, head of foreign languages department and teacher regard the Spanish curriculum are the highest level in overall. The opinions of students regard the Spanish curriculum are the highest level in output aspect, and the high level in three aspects, which are process, input, and context. The 5 problem issues regard the Spanish curriculum that ranked by key stakeholders are: (1) learning instruction and assessment, (2) curriculum planning and implementation, (3) budget and resource allocation, (4) student activities and (5) teacher skill development. 2) Practical guidelines for key stakeholders to improve the Spanish curriculum in the case study consist of 5 problem issues, 20 guidelines for schooladministrator and head of foreign languages department, 32 guidelines for teacher and 18 guidelines for students.</p> Onweera Sariphat Ong-art Naiyapatana Taviga Tungprapa Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 11 3 79 102 The Development of Critical Reading Ability in Matthayomsuksa 6 with QUEST’s Question Method and Gamification Technique <p>The purposes of this study were: 1) to compare the critical reading ability of Matthayomsuksa 6 students before and after using QUEST’s question method with gamification technique. 2) To examine the satisfaction of Matthayomsuksa 6 students towards the QUEST’s question method with gamification technique. The participants in this study were 30 Matthamyomsuksa 6 room 1 students at Wang Klai Kangwon School under Royal Patronage collected by cluster random sampling based on classes. This study was conducted in 8 lessons. The instruments in this study were: 1) critical reading organized by QUEST’s question method with gamification technique lesson plans. 2) Critical reading test. 3) The satisfaction survey of Matthayomsuksa 6 students towards QUEST’s question method with gamification technique. The statistics used in this study were: Mean (M), standard deviation (S.D.), and t-test dependent.</p> <p> The study found that</p> <p> 1) The critical reading ability of Matthayomsuksa 6 students after studying by QUEST’s question method with gamification technique was higher than before with statistical significance at .05 level.</p> <p> 2) The satisfaction of Matthayomsuksa 6 students towards QUEST’s question method with gamification technique was at the highest level.</p> <p> </p> Manita Salay Kingkarn Buranasinvattanakul Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 11 3 103 118 Analysis: Linguistics Expressed by the Buddha in Dhamma Language <p>This article aims to reflect the dissemination of Buddhism by the Buddha in the Tripitaka through two forms of linguistics: language that directly conveys meaning according to the literal text and language that conveys meaning implicitly. The Buddha used language that was not attached to or revered any one language as a medium, but instead, he used the local languages as mediums, such as Magadhi, Pali, and Sanskrit. This was done through four methods of Dhamma teaching: explaining clearly, motivating to see the truth, engaging style, and being entertaining. These were based on the context of answering four types of questions: questions that should be answered directly, questions that should be counter-questioned before answering, questions that need to be analyzed before answering, and questions that should be set aside. Thus, linguistics is a powerful tool in the study of Buddhism, which helps us to understand the scriptures, interpret history, compare religions, study Buddhist philosophy, and communicate Buddhism effectively and comprehensively from the traces of history to the present. The forms and processes of linguistic study can categorize the perspectives of linguistics into at least three aspects: historical linguistics, theoretical and applied linguistics, and context-dependent and context-independent linguistics. Linguistics is both a science and an art that studies languages in various aspects, encompassing the structure, nature, and usage context of language.</p> Phrakittisarasuthi (Cherdchai Silasampanno) Sanit Sinak Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 11 3 119 140 The Development of Pali Sanskrit Word Writing Skills in Thai Language Using the Pali Sanskrit Word Writing Practice Set for Secondary Education 2nd of Sai Mun Wittaya School Sai Mun Sub-District Sai Mun District Yasothon Province <p>This research aims to develop a skill exercise for writing Pali-Sanskrit and compare the spelling achievement of Grade 8 students at Saimunwittaya School. The study uses Thai language exercises on spelling and a set of exercises on writing words derived from Pali-Sanskrit. This experimental research involved a target group of 30 students, with assessments conducted before and after the study using an 80/80 efficiency criterion. The tools used for data collection included a Pali-Sanskrit word analysis exercise and an academic achievement test. The data were analyzed using a dependent sample t-test. The research results showed that the Pali-Sanskrit word analysis exercise for Grade 8 students had an efficiency level of 80.12/80.83. Students who used the Pali-Sanskrit word analysis exercise demonstrated statistically significant academic achievement after testing at the .05 level.</p> Pramaha Nopparat Khantithammo (Silakul) Pramaha Jirayuth Payoko (Mulachiwa) Pramaha Paitoon Wisutthasaro (Yookong) Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 11 3 141 156 The Development of Science Learning Activities Package followed STEM Education for Primary School Students in Pathum Thani Province <p>The world today is changing rapidly, and learning is evolving as well. Traditional learning methods are being discussed less, while integrated learning approaches, such as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics), are gaining more attention in the field of science education. However, implementing STEM education activities is currently a significant challenge for teachers due to the lack of materials and resources readily available for science learning activities. To address this issue, this research aims to: 1) develop the science learning activities package followed stem education for primary school students in Pathum Thani province, and 2) evaluate the result of using the science learning activities package followed stem education for primary school students in Pathum Thani province in terms of improving academic achievement, creativity, and problem-solving skills for elementary students in Pathum Thani Province. The target group for this research consists of students from small, medium, and large elementary schools in Pathum Thani Province, selected through purposive sampling. The research tools include a package of STEM-based science learning activities. Data collection instruments consist of 1) an academic achievement test, 2) a creativity assessment, 3) a problem-solving ability test, and 4) a satisfaction questionnaire regarding the STEM-based science learning activities. Statistical methods used for data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The research findings are as follows:</p> <p> 1) The efficiency of the STEM-based science learning activities for elementary students in Pathum Thani Province was found 87.06/87.00.</p> <p> 2) The overall satisfaction of users with the STEM-based science learning activities for elementary students in Pathum Thani Province was at the highest level. When considering individual aspects, content, learning activities, and the benefits gained from the activities were all rated at the highest level. As detailed below:</p> <p> 2.1)The academic achievement of students who engaged in the science learning activities package followed stem education for primary school students in Pathum Thani province was significantly higher after the learning activities compared to before, at a significance level of .05.</p> <p> 2.2) The creativity of students who participated in the science learning activities package followed stem education for primary school students in Pathum Thani province was at a very high level.</p> <p> 2.3) The problem-solving skills of students who engaged in the science learning activities package followed stem education for primary school students in Pathum Thani province were also at a very high level.</p> Witsanu Suttiwan Kiatisak Raksapoln Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 11 3 157 174 Strategic Leadership in the 21st Century of School Administrators under the Office of Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area 1 <p>This research aimed to: 1) study the strategic leadership in the 21st century of school administrators under the Office of Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area 1, and 2) compare the strategic leadership in the 21st century of school administrators under the Office of Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area 1 based on gender, educational qualifications, status, and work experience as perceived by school administrators and teachers. The sample consisted of 304 school administrators and teachers under the Office of Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area 1. The research instrument was a questionnaire assessing perceptions of the strategic leadership in the 21st century of school administrators. The reliability of the instrument was 0.979. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, independent-samples t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Fisher’s least significant difference (LSD) method for post hoc comparisons.</p> <p> The findings revealed that:</p> <p> 1) The overall level of strategic leadership in the 21st century of school administrators, as perceived by administrators and teachers under the Office of Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area 1, was high.</p> <p> 2) When comparing strategic leadership in the 21st century of school administrators based on gender, no significant differences were found. However, significant differences were found in the overall perceptions based on educational qualifications, status, and work experience at a statistical significance level of .05.</p> Chutima Pimpa Sunchai Chucheep Phatsayakorn Laosawatdikul Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-04 2024-12-04 11 3 175 194 Performance-Based Budget Management Operations in Educational Institutions under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 <p>This research aims to 1) examine the performance-based budget management operations in educational institutions, and 2) compare these budget management operations by position, age, work experience, and school size. The sample group consists of 166 school administrators and budget management heads from educational institutions under the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 in the academic year 2024, selected using stratified random sampling. The research instrument was a questionnaire on the level of performance-based budgeting management implementation, with a reliability coefficient of 0.979. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, one-way ANOVA, and Fisher's LSD post hoc test.</p> <p>The results show that 1) overall, the performance-based budget management operations in the studied educational institutions are at a high level; 2) a comparison of budget management operations by work experience reveals significant differences at the .05 level, while differences in operations by position, age, and school size were not statistically significant.</p> Pimwimon Raksapon Thunyanun Thongboonta Choochart Prayom Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 195 214 Effects of Activity-Based Learning Management on Unit Achievement Modern Democratic Citizenship and Critical Thinking Ability of Grade 9 Students <p>Activity-Based Learning is an educational approach that emphasizes learner participation by encouraging hands-on activities and self-directed learning. This method aims to promote learning in various dimensions, including attitudes, values, interests, and diverse skills, as well as analytical thinking, which is an essential skill in the modern era. The purpose of this study were to 1) compare grade 9 student’s learning achievement before and after learning Activity-Based Learning, 2) compare grade 9 students’ learning achievement after learning Activity-Based Learning with a criterion of 70percent, 3) compare grade 9 student’s critical thinking ability after learning Activity-Based Learning, and 4) study the learning management conditions that affect by activity-based learning The sample group of this study were 27 students of grade 9.The sample was selected using a cluster random sampling. The research instruments were lesson plans of Activity-Based Learning, an achievement test, critical thinking ability test and Observation form for learning management conditions. The data were statistically analyzed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test. The findings of this research were as followed:</p> <ol> <li>Learning achievement of grade 9 students after learning Activity-Based Learning was significantly higher than those before learning at the .05 level.</li> <li>Learning achievement of grade 9 students after learning Activity-Based Learning was significantly higher than 70 percent criterion at the .05 level.</li> <li>Critical thinking ability of grade 9 students after learning Activity-Based Learning was significantly higher than those before learning at the .05 level.</li> <li>Conditions of learning management from activity-based learning was found that learning management helps create a positive atmosphere in learning. Learners have behavior that shows analytical thinking. Through answering questions and doing activities reasonably.</li> </ol> Jindachat Kaewkrabil Sirinat Jongkonklang Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 215 230 The Development Of A Program To Enhance Learning Management Competency For Teacher Students In The Department of Arts Education <p>The purpose of the study were: 1) to Study basic information 2) to Develop a learning management competency building program for teacher students 3) to Study the effect of using the program. By using research and development, The research was conducted in 3 phases. Phase 1: Study of basic information to study the components of learning management competencies. and study the current condition Desired condition and guidelines for enhancing learning management competency. There are informants including school administrators, mentors and supervision teachers, and experts. Phase 2: Developing a program to strengthen learning management competencies. There are 5 experts who provide information. Phase 3: Study on the effects of the program. The target group includes teaching professional students. Department of Art Education, Year 3, teaching practice in educational institutions 1, Semester 2, academic year 2023, number of 13 people. Research tools are Questionnaire on appropriateness of components and indicators, Questionnaire Current condition Desired condition and methods for developing competency, Group discussion recording form, Assessment of the suitability of program components, per-test and post-test to examine, Learning Management Competency Assessment and Satisfaction Questionnaire. The data was analyzed using basic statistics, such as percentage, mean, and standard deviation. PNI<sub>modified</sub> and t-test.</p> <p> The research findings were following ;</p> <ol> <li>The results of the study of the components of learning management competencies of teacher students included 5 components and 26 indicators. It is appropriate at the highest level. Current conditions in learning management of student teachers' practices were at a moderate level, desired condition There should be practice at the highest level and prioritize needs Arrange the needs from most to least: Authentic Assessment, Design and learning management, Student-centered art learning management, Learner Analysis and creative media production and technological innovation. Guidelines for enhancing learning management competencies based on the 70:20:10 development model include knowledge enhancement (10%), practical application (70%), and new experience-based learning (20%). Development methods encompass training, coaching, mentoring, self-learning, supervision, and knowledge sharing.</li> <li>The results of the design and development of a program to enhance learning management competency. Consisting of 1) principles 2) objectives 3) Content structure consists of Module 1 Learner Analysis, Module 2 Design and learning management, Module3 Student-centered art learning management, Module4 creative media production and technological innovation and Module 5 Authentic Assessment 4) Development method and 5) measurement and evaluation. Suitability evaluation results by experts at a high level.</li> <li>The results of the post-test revealed that the post-test scores Representing 82.05 percent, it is statistically significant at the .05 level. Teacher students have a high level of learning management competency and have a high level of satisfaction.</li> </ol> Kansiwakon Khamwisettanaton Poosit Boontongtherng Thanyaluck Khechornphak Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 231 250 Promoting organic agriculture in land reform areas to create a model for amending the law of land reform to promote organic agriculture: a case study of Sakon Nakhon Province. <p>The objectives of the research are 1) to study the guidelines for converting chemical agriculture to organic agriculture in the Land Reform Area 2) Study the laws related to land reform and organic farming both domestically and internationally 3) Study the model of amendments to promotion of organic agriculture in the Agricultural Land Reform Act, B.E. 2518. This research used mixed methods research consisting of the qualitative research that used tools including document research, in-depth interview, participation design, and hearing and the quantitative research by using the questionnaire. The study populations are farmers, involved officer, consumers, and academics.</p> <p> The research found that most of farmers still use chemicals but want to change to organic farming by supporting knowledge and funds from the government. However, Thailand does not yet have an organic agriculture law while the European Union and the United States have organic agriculture laws. From data and foreign laws, this led to the amendment of the Land Reform Act to Agriculture B.E. 2518 by adding a category to promote organic agriculture. It consists of the duties and responsibilities of the Land Reform office, measures to promote organic agriculture, benefits of farmers who receive organic agriculture promotion, and criteria for revoking benefits in agricultural land reform areas.</p> <p> Research suggestion is that government amend the Agricultural Land Reform Act, B.E. 2518 to establish the criteria for promotion and controlling farmers by issuing a secondary law to ensure enforcement of organic agricultural promotion sustainable in land reform area.</p> Danainut Jirawattanasomkul Nathaporn Jirawattanasomkul Parichut Pujit Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 251 262 Guidelines for promoting the quality of life and adaptation of the elderly in Krasob Subdistrict, Mueang District, Ubon Ratchathani Province <p>The research aimed to study the quality of life, adaptation, and ways to promote the quality of life and adaptation of the elderly in Krasob Subdistrict, Mueang District, Ubon Ratchathani Province. The sample consisted of 278 elderly people selected by simple random sampling. The research instruments were questionnaires and interview forms. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and one-way analysis of variance. The sample group consisted of 278 elderly people who were selected by simple random sampling. The research instruments were questionnaires and interview forms. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, independent t-test, and one-way analysis of variance. The results of the research found that: The quality of life of the elderly in Krasob Subdistrict, Mueang District, Ubon Ratchathani Province was mostly at a moderate level overall. When considering each aspect, most elderly people had a moderate quality of life, with only one aspect of quality of life at a high level, which was the physical aspect. When considering the aspect of adaptation, most elderly people had a high overall adaptation in all aspects, namely, the aspect of dependency, the aspect of role, and the aspect of self-concept, respectively. The guidelines for promoting the quality of life and adaptation of the elderly in Krasob Subdistrict, Mueang District, Ubon Ratchathani Province in accordance with the community context and the needs of the elderly consist of 4 aspects: 1) Health - Promoting activities to promote physical and mental health of the elderly, such as organizing health training activities, exercise, health markets, and mental health promotion activities; 2) Social - Promoting social activities to create opportunities for exchanging experiences in health care and to enhance the value of the elderly; 3) Cultural - Supporting activities related to Buddhist holidays, community traditions, and passing on culture to the next generation; 4) Economic - Supporting activities related to training in the production of sweets and the production of Bai Sri trays to create jobs and income for the elderly. In addition, the plan for developing the quality of life of the elderly should be designed and implemented in a concrete manner.</p> Chainnarit Suwannarat Paisarn Phakphian Prasit Kunbunya Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 263 276 Using Podcasts to Enhance English Reading Skills for Undergraduate Students <p>This research aimed to investigate the effectiveness of podcasts in improving English reading skills among undergraduate students. By focusing on three objectives: 1) enhancing students’ English reading skills through podcasts, 2) comparing their English reading achievement before and after using podcasts, and 3) assessing their satisfaction with this learning approach. The sample consisted of 30 first-year students enrolled in the English for Life Skills course during the second semester of the 2022 academic year at Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, Chiang Rai. Participants were selected through cluster random sampling. The research instruments included lesson plans incorporating podcast-based reading activities (reading while listening), pretests and posttests, and a questionnaire to evaluate student satisfaction. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and paired sample t-test. The results revealed that podcast-based reading activities significantly enhanced the students’ English reading skills. Students achieved an average score of 7.70 (S.D. = 0.296) out of 10 points across all learning units. Posttest scores ( = 6.33, S.D. = 0.296) were notably higher than pretest scores ( = 4.57, S.D. = 0.448), demonstrating a significant improvement in reading achievement. Furthermore, students expressed high satisfaction with the podcast-based learning approach, with a mean satisfaction score of 3.60 out of 4. These findings suggest that integrating podcasts into English reading instruction is an effective and engaging strategy for enhancing language skills among undergraduate students. </p> Thisana Satharatthana Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 277 294 The Development on Information System for Monitoring and Evaluation on Planning and Budget via LINE Official Account <p>This research reports the objective were: 1) To develop an information system for monitoring and evaluating planning and budget management Via the LINE LINE Official Account. 2) To evaluate the use of information systems via the LINE Official Account. 3) To evaluate the satisfaction of users Use the information system via the LINE Official Account. This research is action research, divided into two phases: Phase 1: Development of information systems Phase 2: Information system evaluation users consisting of lecturer, Faculty Administration Officer and Veterinary Teaching Hospital staff, a total of 31 people.</p> <p>The research findings revealed 1) The development of an information system for monitoring and evaluating plan and budget management through the LINE Official Account application resulted in a main interface with 6 menus (1) Course Reports, (2) Risk Management, (3) Budget, (4) Action Plans, (5) Form Manuals, and (6) Contact. 2) The evaluation of the information system usage through the LINE Official Account application showed that user opinions across 4 aspects were high (= 4.15). When ranked from highest to lowest mean scores requirement compatibility (= 4.21), ease of use (= 4.20), and functional performance (= 4.19) respectively. 3) The user satisfaction assessment of the information system through the LINE Official Account application indicated high satisfaction levels across all 3 aspects (= 4.31). When ranked from highest to lowest mean scores: practical implementation (= 4.34), content (= 4.32), and design (= 4.26).</p> Oiythip Sapaso Aranya Sirigraiwan Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 295 312 The Development of Writing Skills in Royal Vocabulary for Primary School Students at Ban Thung Tae School, Mueang District, Yasothon Province <p>The objective of this research study was to examine the level of development in writing skills of royal vocabulary among primary school students at Ban Thung Tae School, as well as to compare the achievement in spelling royal vocabulary between those who used Thai language writing and spelling exercises and those who used a set of royal vocabulary writing exercises. The study applied an efficiency criterion of 80/80. The sample consisted of 20 primary school students from Ban Thung Tae School, selected through quota sampling. The statistics used in this research were percentage, mean, standard deviation, and hypothesis testing using a t-test. The research results showed that the level of development in writing skills of royal vocabulary among the students at Ban Thung Tae School was at a moderate level ( = 3.13, S.D. = 0.89), and the achievement in spelling royal vocabulary showed an efficiency level (E<sub>1</sub>/E<sub>2</sub>) of 81.44/85.95, which met the specified criteria. The hypothesis testing revealed that the students' achievement in spelling royal vocabulary was significantly in accordance with the established hypothesis at the .05 level.</p> Prarajmedhivachiradilok (Paijit Sakhong) Prakritsada Dhammasaro (Sarawit) Worachet Tho-un Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 313 326 Integration of Teaching Thai Idioms Related to Asset Management with Buddhist Teachings in Thai Language Textbooks <p> This research aims to analyze the integration of teaching Thai idioms related to asset management with Buddhist principles in Thai language textbooks. The specific target group selected is the Thai idioms found in the Thai language textbooks for the 4th grade of primary school. The research results are divided into two main points: 1. The categorization of Thai idioms related to asset management consists of three meaning groups: 1.1Thai idioms related to saving, 1.2 Thai idioms related to moderation, and 1.3 Thai idioms related to extravagant spending, and 2. The integration of teaching Thai idioms related to asset management with the Four virtues conductive to benefits in the present and the Fourfold division of money. The results of this research can be applied by instructors in teaching Thai language and social studies, religion, and culture courses. Additionally, the guidelines can be adapted for appropriate spending according to different age groups.</p> Ratchaneechay Choeirod Chalermchai Pholee Phramaha Sarayut Jetra Oranut Nguanthaisong Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 327 336 Applying Lanna Culture to Develop Film Media through Action Research <p>The creative industries are a vital sector contributing significantly to Thailand's economy. This study aims to investigate the application of Lanna history and culture in film production. It is part of the project titled *“Research and Development to Elevate Thai Film Production to the Global Market and Develop Internationally Competent Human Resources Using Lanna History and Culture.” This project is funded by the Thailand Science Research and Innovation Administration Division (TSRI) through a participatory action research approach. <br /> The study's findings are summarized as follows: 1. Application of Lanna Culture: Lanna cultural elements were incorporated into five films through themes such as beliefs, arts, performing arts, cuisine, and local festivals. 2. Cultural Recognition: The films effectively enhanced audience recognition and awareness of Lanna culture.<br />3. Economic Dimension: Films demonstrated the potential to promote film tourism among viewers. For filmmakers, film production contributed to local economic growth by utilizing provincial locations for shooting. 4. Cultural Dimension: While cultural elements were included, filmmakers were not sufficiently effective in presenting Lanna culture comprehensively. Audiences needed prior knowledge of Lanna culture to fully engage with the films. This contrasts with more familiar cultural narratives, such as Isan culture, which viewers typically have foundational knowledge of. <br /> The study concludes that Lanna culture is intricate and multifaceted, making it challenging to convey its essence fully through a single medium such as film. Familiarizing audiences with Lanna culture requires the integration of other media platforms. Despite its strong cultural potential, Lanna culture's development is hindered by a lack of opportunities and support at local and provincial levels. Enhancing access and providing platforms for local filmmakers are critical to fostering a sustainable and robust local film industry.</p> Parin Kritsunthon Nantasit Kittiwarakul Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 337 354 Improve of The Community product - Reed mat Products for boosting The local occupation in Roi Et Province <p>The objective of this study were to examine 1) The operation of Thai Community Product Reed in Roi Et Province 2) To determine and compare heavy metals in synthesized dye.</p> <p>The results showed 1) Operation problem was different on each side. The production side was the lack of skill, Shortages of raw materials. Sales and marketing side was no place in the distribution. In finance and accounting was no record account, No funding from members. The General Administration of the group has no organizational structure and regulations. 2) Considering the cost for external financial report, all operation costs incurred in the production. If calculate the costs and return for cash, the products: Samathi mat, 2 folding mats and 3 folding mat, have the ability to make a profit in cash. 3) Development of operation. The group will have performance goals, such as skill development, manufacturing, product development, quality standards. Government must encourage and provide for the exchange of knowledge about local wisdom and according to synthesized dye of respective 3 colours of yellow, red and green, lead level of ppb was at 0.89 ± 0.02, 0.70 ± 0.03 and 0.84 ± 0.03 µg/kg while chromium one were at 0.60 ± 0.01, 0.42 ± 0.05 and 0.32 ± 0.11 µg/kg.</p> Primmala Khumkomket Anisanee Thaenasa Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 355 366 Factors Affecting Academic Achievement in Social Studies of Grad, 7 Students under Mahasarakham Secondary Educational Service Area Office <p>This study investigated the determinants influencing social studies performance among Grade 7 students within the Mahasarakham Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The aims were to: 1) ascertain the amounts of elements influencing learning accomplishment, 2) examine the correlations among these components, and 3) formulate predictive equations. A total of 372 Grade 7 pupils were chosen through multi-stage random sampling. The research tools included three surveys utilizing a 5-point rating scale to assess teaching behaviors, achievement motivation, and learning attitudes (15 items each), a 20-item true-false basic knowledge assessment, and a 20-item multiple-choice achievement evaluation. The data were examined via descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression. The results indicated that learning attitudes (x̄=4.86), teaching behaviors (x̄=4.83), and achievement motivation (x̄=4.80) were at the greatest level, although basic knowledge and achievement were at satisfactory levels. All indicators exhibited significant positive relationships with accomplishment (p&lt;.01, .05). The regression study demonstrated that these four factors strongly forecasted learning achievement (R²=.211, p&lt;.01), producing both raw score (Ŷ=-5.900+0.263X₁+0.256X₄+0.121X₂+0.084X₃) and standardized score (Z=0.570Z<sub>x</sub><sub>₁</sub>+0.457Z<sub>x</sub><sub>2</sub>+0.286Z<sub>x4</sub>+0.148Z<sub>x</sub><sub>₃</sub>) prediction equations.</p> Akariya Srichata Arun Suikraduang Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 367 378 The Relationship between the Desirable Characteristics of the Accountants and Performance Success of Accounting Office in Udon Thani Province <p>Research on The Relationship between the Desirable Characteristics of the Accountants and Performance Success of Accounting Office in Udon Thani Province. The objectives were to 1) study the characteristics of Desired accountants of the accounting office in Udont Thani Province 2) Study the success in the work of accounting offices in Udon Thani Province 3) Study the relationship between the characteristics of the desired accountants with the success in the work of the accounting office. In Udon Thani province. The sample group used in the research included accounting office operators. Udon Thani Province, 74 cases, were obtained from purposive random sampling. The research instrument was a research questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis include percentage, mean, standard deviation. Analysis of correlation coefficient using Pearson Correlation method.</p> <p> The results of the research found that all aspects of the desirable accountant characteristics of the Udon Thani Provincial Accounting Office were at a high level ( = 4.03, S.D.= 0.77) , with the aspect with the highest average being the accounting professional ethics aspect ( = 4.27, S.D.= 0.84), followed by interpersonal relations and communication ( = 4.22, S.D.= 0.80) professional skills ( = 4.06, S.D.= 0.86), intellectual skills ( = 4.01, S.D.= 0.75), organization and business management ( = 3.97, S.D.= 0.90), and the least Professional knowledge aspect ( = 3.83, S.D.= 0.84) respectively. Success in all aspects of the accounting office's operations in Udon Thani Province It is at a high level ( = 4.08, S.D.= 0.84). The aspect with the highest average is the aspect of achieving success goals ( = 4.21, S.D.= 0.86), followed by the aspect of satisfaction for all. Division ( = 4.06, S.D.= 0.92) The operational process aspect ( = 4.04, S.D.= 0.86) and the least is the cost-effective use of resources ( = 4.03, S.D.= 0.90), respectively. and the relationship between the characteristics of a desirable accountant and the success of the accounting firm's operations. in Udon Thani Province regarding professional accounting knowledge Intellectual skills Interpersonal relations and communication Organizational administration and business management. Accounting professional skills and accounting professional ethics It has a high relationship with success in working in the same direction. Statistically significant at the 0.01 level.</p> Orasa Buapa Wanjanya Wirakul Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 393 410 “Military under Civilians” Reform: Case of Thailand and Indonesia <p>This documentary research “‘Military under Civilians’ Reform: Case of Thailand and Indonesia” aims to conduct a comparative study of the progress of military reform policies in Thailand and Indonesia. The study spans from the political developments leading to the emergence of military reform movements to the incorporation of these reforms into official policies. It also examines the roles of policy entrepreneurs and various factors contributing to the success or failure of military reform policies in both nations. The findings indicate that Indonesia has made more significant progress in implementing "Military under Civilians" reforms compared to Thailand. Three critical factors account for the prominent differences in the implementation of military reform policies between Thailand and Indonesia includes: 1) Social inclinations and the continuity of multiple streams: problem stream, political stream, and policy stream; 2) The continuity of policy entrepreneurs’ roles within the political and cultural context; and 3) Legal frameworks that facilitate military reform.</p> Khunanont Thintai Pornsan Piyanantisak Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 411 432 Innovation Stroke Putting Golf For Success <p>The objectives of this research are 1) to develop innovations for creating golf putting strokes, 2) to study the use of innovation in creating putting strokes for training golfers with skill levels (Handicap) between 0 - 24, and 3) to compare the golf putting skills of golfers before and after using the innovation to create golf putting strokes. The sample group for this research consisted of male and female amateur golfers with skill levels between 0 - 24, totaling 20 participants. These were randomly divided into a control group of 10 participants and an experimental group of 10 participants, with groups formed based on skill level. The tool used in this study measured the golf putting rhythm. The statistical methods used for data analysis included percentages, standard deviation, and the Mann-Whitney U test.</p> <p>The research results found that</p> <ol> <li>It was found that the skills necessary to build successful golf putting skills consist of four key elements 1) Move the putter sideways in a straight line, 90 degrees away from the golf ball (addressing the ball before moving the club), approximately 5 inches. 2) Return the putter to its original position in a straight line at 90 degrees. 3) Bring the putter to strike the ball in a straight line by releasing the putter 90 degrees at the point of impact. 4) Align the putter face to the hole in a straight line at 90 degrees. During the putting stroke, the golfer’s head must remain steady and should not follow the movement of the putter face throughout the stroke.</li> </ol> <p><strong>Conclusions : </strong>The results of using innovation to create golf putting strokes for training golfers with skill levels between 0 – 24 showed significant improvement in the experimental group. Each training period in the experimental group demonstrated a statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level, indicating that the group trained using the innovation to develop golf putting strokes experienced faster improvement in their putting abilities. Additionally, when comparing the golf putting skills of golfers before and after using the innovation, it was found that the experimental group showed higher putting skills than the control group, with a statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level. This demonstrates that innovation in creating a golf putting rhythm can enhance golfers’ ability to putt more efficiently.</p> Suebpong Chindapon Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 433 452 Development of Active Learning Activities on Electricity to Promote Science Ability for Mathayomsuksa 3 Students <p>This research aimed to 1) develop an active learning activity on electricity for Mathayom 3 students to be effective according to the criteria of 80/80, 2) compare the achievement in science of Mathayomsuksa 3 students after learning with active learning activities with the criteria of 80 percent, 3) study the science ability of Mathayomsuksa 3 students, and 4) study the satisfaction of Mathayomsuksa 3 students towards active learning activities. The sample consisted of 28 Mathayomsuksa 3 students of Khao Phra Non Wittayakhom School, second semester of the academic year 2023, Kalasin Secondary Educational Service Area Office, obtained by cluster random sampling using the school as the sampling unit. The research instruments consisted of 1) 6 active learning activity plans, totaling 12 hours, with a high suitability value 2) 20-item 4-choice multiple-choice achievement test with a difficulty level between 0.50 - 0.75, a discrimination power between 0.20 - 0.80, and a reliability value of 0.83 3) The students' science ability behavior observation form had a congruence index of 0.60-1.00, and a satisfaction questionnaire had a congruence index of 0.60-1.00. The statistics used were mean, percentage, and standard deviation. And tested the hypothesis with One Samples t-test.</p> <p> The results of the research found that 1) the active learning activities on electricity for Mathayomsuksa 3 students were effective at 88.24/83.95, which was higher than the specified criteria. 2) The students' science learning achievement after learning had an average of 16.79, which was higher than the 80 percent criterion with statistical significance at the .01 level.3) The students' overall science ability had an average score of 48.29, accounting for 89.42 percent, and 4) The students' satisfaction with the active learning activities was at the highest level</p> Budsara Trailert Wanida Pharanat Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-06 2024-12-06 11 3 453 466 The Development of Scientific Concept Using Model-Observe-Reflect-Explain learning method cooperated with Augmented Reality <p>This action research aim 1) to develop the scientific concept by using model-observe-reflect-explain learning method cooperated with augmented reality of student passing the criteria of partial understanding 2) to study the students’ scientific concepts after using model-observe-reflect-explain learning method cooperated with augmented reality. The target contained of 19 students of Mattayomsuksa 4 who were considered as limited in scientific concept of Kalasin Pittayasan School. The purposive sampling was used to select the target group. The action research consisted of 3 cycles. The instruments employed in study were (1) lesson plan, (2) the scientific conceptual test, (3) interview form, and (4) observation form. The study findings indicated that there were 15 students or 93.75 percent in passing the criteria of partial understanding. When considering each cycle, it was found as follows:</p> <p> The first cycle, there were 9 students (52.25 percent) in passing the criteria of target group, and the majority of the students had a partial understanding (PU).</p> <p> The second cycle, there were 14 students (87.50 percent) in passing the criteria of target group, and the majority of the students had a sound understanding (SU).</p> <p> The third cycle, there were 15 students (93.75 percent) in passing the criteria of target group, and the majority of the students had a partial understanding (PU).</p> Nuttapong Watwiset Kanyarat Cojorn Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-06 2024-12-06 11 3 467 480 A Study on the Desirable Characters of Students Attending Rajabhat MahaSarakham University Demonstration School <p>The purpose of this research was (1) to study the desirable characteristics of secondary school students at the Demonstration School of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University, and (2) to compare the desirable characteristics of students at the Demonstration School of Mahasarakham Rajabhat University based on gender and grade level, specifically comparing lower secondary and upper secondary students. The sample group consisted of 131 students from grades 1 to 6 in the first semester of the 2024 academic year, selected through stratified random sampling The research instrument was a questionnaire designed to measure the desirable characteristics of students in 8 areas, using a 4-point Likert scale with 36 items. The item-objective congruence (IOC) index ranged from 0.60 to 1.00, the discrimination power ranged from 0.20 to 0.71, and the overall reliability of the instrument was 0.90. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and independent t-test statistics.</p> <p>The findings were as follows (1) The overall desirable characteristics of the students were rated at an excellent level ( = 2.54, S.D. = 0.42). When examined by area, the highest-rated characteristic was Area 5: Living sustainably ( = 2.62, S.D. = 0.50), followed by Area 3: Discipline ( = 2.60, S.D. = 0.59). The lowest-rated characteristic was Area 7: Love for Thai culture ( = 2.38, S.D. = 0.59) (2) The comparison of overall desirable characteristics between male and female students revealed a statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level, with female students showing higher desirable characteristics than male students. Additionally, the comparison between lower secondary and upper secondary students showed a statistically significant difference at the 0.05 level, with upper secondary students exhibiting higher desirable characteristics than lower secondary students</p> sutthilak hatchan Arun Suikraduang Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-06 2024-12-06 11 3 481 494 Development of Science Learning Activities on " Substance and Properties of substance" to Promote Problem Solving Skills for Sixth-grade Students. <p>The objective of this study is to develop learning activities for sixth-grade students centered around the topic of "Substances and Properties of Substances" with the intention of enhancing their problem-solving skills. The research was carried out in three distinct phases: Phase 1 involved reviewing guidelines for designing science learning activities aimed at improving problem-solving abilities. Phase 2 focused on the development of learning activities related to "Substances and Properties of Substances" with the goal of enhancing problem-solving skills among sixth-grade students. Phase 3 encompassed the testing of these learning activities with a group of 18 sixth-grade students from Ban Pho Song Hong Witthaya Community School during the second semester of the academic year 2022. Various research tools were employed, including an interview form, learning plans, a 30-items learning achievement test (with difficulty ranging from 0.43 to 0.67, discriminating power from 0.36 to 0.63, and reliability of 0.97), a problem-solving ability inventory consisting of 24 items (with difficulty ranging from 0.33 to 0.77, discriminating power ranging from 0.23 to 0.47, and reliability of 0.86), and a satisfaction questionnaire. Statistical methods such as mean, standard deviation, percentage, and dependent sample t-tests were used for data analysis. The research yielded the following outcomes:</p> <p> 1) The Science learning activities on “Substance and Properties of substance” to promote problem-solving abilities for sixth-grade students, there are 4 learning plans. The learning activities consisted of 6 steps: (1) problem determination, (2) problem understanding, (3) study and research, (4) knowledge synthesis, (5) summarizing and evaluating the answer, and (6) presentation and evaluate the work, which the appropriate is height level. 2) The sixth-grade students have learning achievement on “Substance and Properties of substance” after learning the activities are higher than before learning statistically significant at the .01 level. 3) The sixth-grade students have problem solving abilities on “Substance and Properties of substance” after learning the activities are higher than before statistically significant at the .01 level. 4) Students were satisfied with science learning activities at the highest level.</p> Thidaphon Thornpho Piyatida Panya Paisarn Worakham Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-08 2024-12-08 11 3 495 516 Assessment of the Buddhist School Project at Kae Dam Wittayakarn School Maha Sarakham Province <p>The objective of this developmental research was to evaluate the Buddhist Oriented School Project of Kaedam Wittayakhan School. The researcher undertook this Project through Research and Development (R &amp; D) process divided into the following 4 stages: The first step was to establish the policies with the development plan of the Buddhist Oriented Kaedam Wittayakhan School. The second stage was to appoint the performance Committee through meeting, making the development plan with the operational plan for the activities of the Project and budget allocation. The third phase was to implement the activities of the Buddhist Oriented Kaedam Wittayakhan School. The fourth step was to check and evaluate the Project. The next phase was to reflect the performance for continuous improvement. The final stage was the result of the Project as the empirical evidence. The researcher has developed the instrument for appraisal with the standard criteria for the operations on the Buddhist Oriented Kaedam Wittayakhan School through CIPP Model.</p> <p>According to the evaluation of the Buddhist Oriented School Project of Kaedam Wittayakhan School, Mahasarakham Province, the findings of the study were as follows:</p> <p> PART 1 The evaluation for the operations on the Buddhist Oriented Kaedam Wittayakhan School through CIPP Model.</p> <ol> <li>The overall context evaluation with the appropriateness, as well as the</li> </ol> <p>congruence among the Project objectives and the following different contexts: the policies of the Office of the Basic Education Commission, the policies of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 26, and those of Kaedam Wittayakhan School, the vision, the uniqueness with identity, the goals, the strategies, the necessities and needs of the School was revealed that the administrators, instructors and educational personnel with the Basic Educational Board evaluated the operations in high level (X = 4.39, S.D. = 0.62). From the descending order of each consideration, this study showed that the first consideration at the highest level (X = 4.61, S.D. = 0.53) was this Project congruent with the policies of the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 26. The next one at the highest level (X = 4.54, S.D. = 0.56) was the knowledge with understanding of the Office of the Basic Education Commission toward the principles of the Buddhist Oriented School. The latter aspect at the highest level (X =4.50, S.D. = 0.59) respectively was the appropriateness and the clarity on the principle with rationale of the Buddhist Oriented School Project. The consideration at the lowest rank showed the Project evaluation at high level (X = 4.16, S.D. = 0.66) about the congruence with the students’ needs and interests.</p> <ol start="2"> <li>The overall input evaluation of the administrators, instructors and the</li> </ol> <p>educational personnel at Kaedam Wittayakhan School, Mahasarakham Province, was in high level (X = 3.93, S.D. = 0.70). From the descending order of each consideration, this study showed that the first consideration in high level (X = 4.15, S.D. = 0.63) was the personnel. The next one at high level (X = 4.04, S.D. = 0.77) was the administration and management. The latter aspect at high level (X =3.79, S.D. = 0.68) respectively was the budget. The consideration at the lowest rank showed the Project evaluation at high level (X = 3.74, S.D. = 0.79) about the supplies, materials, tools and venues.</p> <ol start="3"> <li>The overall process evaluation in high level (X = 4.10, S.D. = 0.80) showed about</li> </ol> <p>the administrators, the lecturers, as well as the educational staff, along with the students of Kaedam Wittayakhan School. From the descending order of each consideration, this research was revealed that the first consideration in high level (X = 4.14, S.D. = 0.83) was the activities of the Project. The next one at high level (X = 4.10, S.D. = 0.80) was the atmosphere with interaction toward the Project activities. The next one at high level (X = 4.04, S.D. = 0.77) respectively was the learning management, instructional aids, learning sources, together with assessment and measurement.</p> <ol start="4"> <li>The overall product evaluation in high level (X = 4.14, S.D. = 0.79) showed about</li> </ol> <p>the outputs of the administrators, the lecturers, as well as the educational staff, along with the students and the guardians of Kaedam Wittayakhan School, Mahasarakham Province. From the descending order of each consideration, this research showed that the first consideration in high level (X = 4.18, S.D. = 0.79) was social development (precept). The next one at high level (X = 4.16, S.D. = 0.82) was mental development (mind). The next ones at the same statistic in high level (X = 4.11, S.D. = 0.78) consisted of physical development (body) and intellectual development (wisdom).</p> <p> PART 2 The opinions on impact evaluation.</p> <p>The overall impact evaluation in high level (X = 4.21, S.D. = 0.78) showed about the effect toward the residents within the community. The next one at high level (X = 4.18, S.D. = 0.77) was the effect on the monasteries. The latter aspect at high level (X = 4.15, S.D. = 0.79) respectively was the impact toward the School.</p> Songkran Uttharoon Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-08 2024-12-08 11 3 517 534 The Roles of Educational Administrators in Promoting Digital Literacy Skills of Lop Buri Private School Teachers <p>This research aims to 1) study the roles of school administrators in promoting digital literacy skills of Lop Buri private school teachers, and 2) compare the roles of school administrators in promoting digital literacy skills of Lop Buri private school teachers, classified by gender, degree, work experience and position. The sample group used in this study was 285 school administrators and private school teachers in Lop Buri Province. The tools used for collecting data were questionnaires with reliability values of 0.991. Statistics used in the analysis include frequency distribution, percentage, average, standard deviation, T-test for sample divided into two groups, and one-way ANOVA when statistically significant differences are found, the differences are tested in pairs using the Schaffe's Method.</p> <p> The research has shown that. 1) The roles of school administrators in promoting digital literacy skills of Lop Buri private school teachers is generally very high. In terms of use, accessibility and understanding, it was found that the average was high in all aspects, and 2) Comparison of the roles of school administrators in promoting digital literacy skills of Lop Buri private school teachers classified according to their work experience varies statistically significantly at the level .05 and classified by gender, graduate, position is not different.</p> Wannarat Limlamai Sermsap Vorapanya Phatsayakorn Laosawatdikul Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-08 2024-12-08 11 3 535 552 Guidelines of the operation of the student care and support system in Disability-specific schools Types of intellectual disability of Special Education <p>The purposes of this research aims to 1) study the current conditions and desired conditions of the operation of the student care and support system in Disability-specific schools Types of intellectual disability of Special Education Bureau, 2) study the needs that affect the operation of the student care and support system,3)study guidelines for promoting the implementation of the operation of the student care and support system. The population used in this research includes educational institution administrators. Teachers and educational personnel in Disability-specific schools Types of intellectual disability of Special Education Bureau. The population was 1470 people. There are 19 schools. obtain the sample size, a total of 315 people. The tools used in the study were a questionnaire with a reliability of 0.986 and an interview form. Statistics used include percentage, mean, standard deviation. Priority Needs Index (PNIModified).</p> <p>The research results showed that</p> <p>1) The current condition and the desired condition of the overall student support system operation are at the highest and highest levels, respectively.</p> <p>2) The top 3 essential needs of operating the student care system are: Student screening Getting to know students individually promotion and development respectively.</p> <p>3) Guidelines for operating a student care and assistance system in a disability-specific school Types of intellectual disability Under the Office of Special Education Administration as follows: Educational institutions should appoint a committee to drive the work of the student support system. There is a clear operational plan and operational manual. Student information is kept completely. Coordinate and request information from parents, communities, and all involved parties Including inviting them to participate in exchanging knowledge in creating individual education plans. To develop students in a comprehensive manner and report performance results every semester. Student screening tools have been developed in collaboration with experts and multidisciplinary practitioners. Educational institutions should organize a variety of activities according to students' interests. Basic counseling training there is a clear student referral system. Coordinate with relevant agencies to make joint student referral agreements. In order to provide the most effective care and assistance to students Including supervision, monitoring, and evaluation continuously and regularly.</p> Nuthathai Khamyuang Thunyanun Thongboonta Korawut Phanprom Korawut Phanprom Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-08 2024-12-08 11 3 553 572 Factors Influencing the Decision of High School Students in Khon Kaen City to Choose the Chinese Language for Communication Program at Northeastern University <p>This research aims to 1) study the factors influencing the decision-making process of high school students in grades 10-12 in Khon Kaen municipality to pursue studies in the Chinese Language for Communication program, 2) compare these factors among students in the same group based on personal variables, and 3) propose guidelines for improving the curriculum and instructional management of the Chinese Language for Communication program at Northeastern University.</p> <p>The sample size was calculated using the Krejcie and Morgan method, resulting in a total of 360 participants. The research instrument was a questionnaire designed to evaluate factors influencing the decision to pursue a bachelor's degree in the Chinese Language for Communication program, utilizing a rating scale format. Statistical analyses included descriptive statistics, such as percentages, means (x̄), and standard deviations (S.D.), as well as inferential statistics, including independent t-tests and F-tests.</p> <p>The findings reveal that most respondents rated the curriculum context factors as high, while factors related to teaching management, learning materials, and educational support were rated as moderate. When comparing personal factors, gender differences were found to have a statistically significant difference (P-value &lt; 0.05), while other personal factors did not show significant differences. The proposed curriculum development for the Chinese Language for Communication program emphasizes creating a program that provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the curriculum context and effectively meets the demands of employers, thereby enhancing graduate employability.</p> Kanyanat Kiadtiwanit Chotika Singhatep Phuripan Pochaikaew Ampon Boonpinich Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-08 2024-12-08 11 3 573 588 Factors Promoting and Limiting Women's Roles in Employment: A Literature Review from 2018 to 2022 <p>This research article examines the factors that promote and limit women's participation in the workforce, focusing on a literature review conducted during the period 2018–2022. The study aims to identify key enablers and barriers to women's career engagement through a qualitative approach, utilizing literature from three Thai journal indexing sources: Thaijo, Google Scholar, and Google. Content analysis and interpretation methods were employed.</p> <p>The findings reveal that 15 variables promote women's roles in the workforce, with five key factors being leadership, participation, education, human rights, and religion. On the other hand, 12 variables were identified as constraints, with the five most critical factors being gender inequality, religious practices, societal acceptance, social equality, and political culture. Additionally, 17 variables influencing women's career engagement were identified, with the most significant being leadership, political participation, education, occupation, and age.</p> <p>The above-mentioned factors play a vital role in enhancing the effectiveness of women’s employment. The study emphasizes the need for government intervention in policy formulation and the implementation of structural reform initiatives. Such policies should aim to create equal opportunities and reduce social constraints that hinder women’s participation in the workforce.</p> suthirus choochuen Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-08 2024-12-08 11 3 589 606 Study of Consumer Awareness, Needs, and Product Development of Herbal Fermented Fish (Pla Som) in Nong Bua Subdistrict, Nong Kung Si District, Kalasin Province <p>Currently, Thailand is undertaking reforms in all dimensions of development, both economically and socially. The objectives of this research are: 1) To study consumer awareness, needs, and product development of herbal fermented fish (Pla Som) in Nong Bua Subdistrict, Nong Kung Si District, Kalasin Province, and 2) To present strategies the herbal fermented fish product for consumers in this area. The population sample consists of key consumer groups, selected through accidental quota of 65 individuals, divided by age groups as follows: 20-30 years, 31-40 years, 41-50 years, 51-60 years, and 60 years and above, with 13 individuals per age group from 13 villages. These consumers live in the area and purchase herbal fermented fish products. Additionally, key informants include herbal fermented fish entrepreneurs, which comes from random sampling and purposive selection. The research instrument employed is in-depth interviews.</p> <p> The research findings reveal that: 1) Consumer awareness – a majority, or 58.46%, are familiar with herbal fermented fish, while 41.54% are not. The age group most familiar with the product is 61 years and above, whereas the 20-30 age group shows the highest unfamiliarity. 2) Consumer needs – there is a desire for development in standardized, clean, safe, and aesthetically pleasing packaging, with a clear logo label. 3) Product development strategies for herbal fermented fish for consumers include product transformation into various forms, such as whole fermented fish, fermented fish fillets, minced/chopped fermented fish, fermented fish paste, and shredded fermented fish. Additionally, strategies for product development involve marketing promotion, packaging, and branding, with the incorporation of technology into packaging. This includes 1) printing technology, 2) material development technology, and 3) information technology.</p> <p> Summary of results comparing perception of herbal orange fish/consumer demand for herbal orange fish. Separated by age, it was found that the age group with the greatest amount of awareness of herbal som fish is 61 years old and above. And there is the highest demand for herbal orange fish as well. The age group with the lowest amount of awareness of herbal orange fish is 21-30 years old and has the least demand for herbal orange fish. </p> Wareerati Sangwonga Danwichai Sairuksa Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-13 2024-12-13 11 3 607 624 Developing The Anti-corruption Education Curriculum to Promote NACC Civil Society Networks in Protecting Public Resources <p>The objectives of this research were to promote the NACC civil society networks in protecting public resources. Through the process of training leaders of NACC civil society networks, by developing and improving the anti-corruption education curriculum. of the National Anti-Corruption Office, to make a comparative study of knowledge, Attitude and behavior on anti-corruption, regarding 1) leadership and stewardship of public resources, 2) discernment between personal and public interests, 3) shame and intolerance of corruption, 4) citizenship and social responsibility, and 5) monitoring and investigating corruption. The sample group consisted of 60 leaders of NACC civil society networks, who were selected by the simple random sampling technique. The research instruments were questionnaires for used to collect data was 1) knowledge test about the anti-corruption education and corruption prevention curriculum. 2)Attitude measurement towards anti-corruption education and corruption prevention curriculum. 3)Measurement of compliance with the anti-corruption education and corruption prevention curriculum.and 4)assessment of conformity and Statistics used in the research include percentage, mean, standard deviation, and paired t - test.</p> <p> The research results found that An important model in developing an anti-corruption education curriculum to promote the protection of public resources in Maha Sarakham Province by the NACC civil society network is Network leader training Using the knowledge set regarding the anti-corruption education curriculum that has been developed and improved, consisting of 4 steps : Step 1 : Study and analyze the problem situation, concepts, theories and related research documents to explore the necessity of creating a model for protecting public resources. Step 2 : Create the knowledge set from the development of anti-corruption education curriculum. Step 3 : Experiment with the knowledge set developed from the anti-corruption education curriculum. Step 4 : Evaluate the knowledge set created to promote the protection of public resources. By the NACC civil society networks through the training process. The content of the knowledge set consists of 5 units : namely 1) knowledge and understanding about leadership and protecting public resources 2) knowledge and understanding about distinguishing between personal interests and public interests 3) Knowledge and understanding about shame and intolerance of corruption. 4) Knowledge and understanding about citizenship and social responsibility. and 5) knowledge and understanding about monitoring and investigating corruption. The sample group were leaders of civil society networks. was at a high level, with knowledge, attitude, and over all behavior after the training increasing from before the training (p–value &lt; .05)</p> Atchariya Watha Warintip Srikula Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 11 3 655 674 The Differences of Classifiers between Sukhothai Inscriptions and Current Usage <p>The purpose of this qualitative research project explored the different usage of classifiers between those that appeared in Sukhothai inscriptions and those used today. The sources of classifiers were collected from deciphered texts of the 52 Sukhothai inscriptions in the “Corpus of Thai Inscriptions, Instalment Part 8, Sukhothai Inscriptions” by the Fine Arts Department, the “Royal Institute Dictionary, 2554 BE,” and the “Classifiers: The Royal Institute Edition, 2551 BE.” by recording the data in a data collection table developed by the researchers. The results of the study found that the classifiers used in the Sukhothai inscriptions were a total of 78 words and showed 22 classifiers in the Sukhothai inscriptions differed from those used in the present day and can be divided into six categories: 1) five words of classifier indicating type; 2) four words of classifier indicating category; 3) two words of classifier indicating shape; 4) nine words of classifier indicating number and units of measurement; 5) one word of classifier indicating state; and 6) one word of repetitive noun classifier. The study concluded that the usage of classifiers in Sukhothai inscriptions differs from the usage in the present day in two aspects: 1) narrower meanings and 2) there is no usage in the current time, including replacement by other emerging classifiers. These differences reflect the different ways in which people in different eras have viewed the world around them.</p> Wiyada Meesri Wattanarat Chaiwong Phisaphim Junphrom Nittayata Ekbang Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-21 2024-12-21 11 3 705 726 Safety Behavior Fire Aspect of Residents Project Bangkok <p>This research aims to: 1. Study fire safety behavior in high-rise buildings, focusing on the Lumpini Project in Bangkok. 2. Compare personal factors affecting fire safety behavior. 3. Propose fire prevention measures based on residents' behavior. This is a quantitative research study utilizing questionnaires as the primary research tool. The sample group consisted of 385 residents of high-rise buildings in the Lumpini Project, determined using Taro Yamane's formula with a margin of error of 0.05. Participants were selected through convenience sampling. Data collected from the questionnaires were analyzed using descriptive statistics, including percentage, mean, and standard deviation, as well as inferential statistics, such as t-tests and F-tests. The findings revealed: 1. Overall fire safety behavior was at a level requiring improvement (=1.72, S.D.=0.64). 2. Personal factors such as gender, age, and family type significantly influenced fire safety behavior at the 0.05 level. 3. Recommendations for fire prevention based on residents' behavior include enhancing knowledge and adherence to safety measures, as well as encouraging residents to actively participate in safety activities to prevent and reduce fire risks in the future.</p> Amon Kanasri Phongkultorn Rojviroon Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-21 2024-12-21 11 3 727 742 Development of Thai language teaching model PCCESS MODEL to promote Creative writing skills for 3rd grade students <p>This research aims to 1) develop the PCCESS MODEL for teaching Thai language, 2) evaluate the effectiveness of the PCCESS MODEL, and 3) enhance creative writing skills among Grade 3 students. The target group includes 23 Grade 3/2 students from Ban Santikam School during the second semester of the 2023 academic year and 10 Thai language teachers at the elementary level in Chonburi Province. The research tools used include lesson plans, an achievement test, and a creative writing skill test. Data were analyzed using percentages, mean, standard deviation, and t-test. The findings revealed: The PCCESS MODEL for teaching Thai language consists of six steps: Step 1: Preparation (P) Step 2: Creative Writing (C) Step 3: Construction (C) Step 4: Evaluation (E) Step 5: Summarization (S) Step 6: Social Creativity (S) The effectiveness of the PCCESS MODEL was 86.18/88.70, surpassing the predetermined criteria. All 23 Grade 3 students achieved creative writing skills at a level exceeding the 80% threshold, equating to 100%, which is higher than the set standard.</p> Phisamai Sriwarom Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 11 3 743 756 Driving Circular Agriculture and Carbon Neutrality in South Korea's Agricultural Sector Lessons for Thailand <p>This article aims to analyze policies and practices related to circular agriculture and efforts to achieve carbon neutrality in South Korea's agricultural sector. The results show that South Korea has developed various policies and programs to promote sustainable agriculture, including the Eco-friendly Agriculture Promotion Act, voluntary greenhouse gas reduction programs, and a low-carbon agricultural product certification system. These policies have resulted in reduced greenhouse gas emissions, increased resource efficiency, and added value to agricultural products. However, significant challenges remain, such as high initial costs and lack of knowledge and skills among farmers. This artile recommends setting clear long-term goals, providing financial and technical support, promoting research and development, and raising awareness and community participation to encourage the transition to circular agriculture and achieve carbon neutrality in the agricultural sector. Lessons from South Korea's experience can be applied in other countries, especially in Southeast Asia, to develop sustainable agricultural systems and address climate change</p> Kiatanantha Lounkaew Tanongsak Siriyong Natthakit Suksamran Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-16 2024-12-16 11 3 675 704 Betrothal: Development from the Law concerned Spouses to the Current Family law <p>It was found from the study about the law concerned spouses until the current family law as follows: (1) under the law concerned spouses, the betrothed should be man and woman, but the law did not specify the age of the betrothed, so a boy could engage a girl. Under the family law, the betrothed should have completed seventeenth year of age. At present, under the law in process of amendment, the same gender could be engaged according to the concept of equal marriage, and the betrothed should have completed eighteenth year of age according to Convention on the Rights of the Child. (2) The law concerned spouses assigned on the part of man to give Khanmak and Sinsod to the part of woman. The family law specifies on the part of man to give Khongman to the woman, on Sinsod, the part of man may give or not give it to the part of woman. Under the law in process of amendment which the same gender could be engaged, the betrothed who gives Khongman and Sinsod to another betrothed could be man or woman. (3) The law concerned spouses allowed the parents to conclude betrothal on behalf of their children without consent. But under current family law, the betrothal should take place only with betrothed’s consent.It could be said that the law concerned betrothal has been changed according to the current concepts and social conditions, and Khongman and Sinsod are still currently important in the betrothal.</p> Kansinee Tipmontien Chatchawan Leerodjanawutikun Suwanai Thakumsorn Suwanai Thakumsorn Panchachai Penprachum Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-05 2024-12-05 11 3 379 392 Consumer Existentialism Based on Heidegger's Concept in Digital Marketing <p>This academic article aims to explore the application of Martin Heidegger's existentialism in digital marketing strategies, with a focus on the creation of meaning and experience through consumption in the digital age. Heidegger's existentialism provides insights into human existence, emphasizing interactions with the environment and society, which can be applied to analyze consumer behavior where consumption serves as a tool for creating and reflecting identity in the digital society. The application of Heidegger's existentialism in digital marketing strategies allows for deeper connections between brands and consumer identities and meanings. Brands can leverage digital technology to create experiences that reflect consumer values and identity. Digital marketing, therefore, is not just about selling products but also about creating meaningful consumption that shapes identity. This academic paper reveals that Heidegger's existentialist concepts can help formulate digital marketing strategies that focus on creating meaningful experiences for consumers. Brands that can establish emotional and meaningful connections with consumers have a higher chance of fostering long-term engagement and loyalty.</p> Pongsiri Kamkankaew Phatcharapron Limpiaongkhanan Jatupron Wongmahatlek Nateetip Sanpatanon Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 11 3 625 654 Content <p>Content</p> Editorial RDI-RMU Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 11 3 Appendix <p>Appendix</p> Editorial RDI-RMU Copyright (c) 2024 Journal for Developing the Social and Community 2024-12-14 2024-12-14 11 3