Factors affecting people's purchase of government lottery tickets Wang Sam Mo District, Udon Thani Province


  • Chatchavee Yordyot Phitsanulok University
  • Chumnan Tongyen Phitsanulok University
  • Ratchanok Phramsiri Phitsanulok University
  • Phaijitar Wongchai Phitsanulok University
  • Pramote Sittiju Phitsanulok University


Consumer Behavior, Marketing Mix, Legal lottery


Background and Aims: The government lottery is considered the most popular form of gambling for Thai people. It is estimated that 24,626,233 million Thai people play the legal lottery In 2024, it was found that the statistics of Thai people playing the legal lottery showed that there were as many as 24 million people. In addition, most people in Wang Sam Mo District, Udon Thani Province are farmers, which has an uncertain income. This may cause people to be interested in buying legal lottery tickets in                    the hope of getting a windfall from buying government lottery tickets. Therefore, this research aims to (1) study the factors affecting the purchase of legal lottery tickets by people in Wang Sam Mo District, Udon Thani Province, and (2) study the relationship between personal data, behavior, and marketing mix. Factors affecting the purchase of legal lottery tickets by people in Wang Sam Mo District, Udon Thani Province

Methodology: This is a descriptive study and tested the variance from a sample of 400 people. The statistics used are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and One-way ANOVA.

Results: It was found that most of the sample groups were female, aged between 41-50 years, single, graduated with a vocational certificate/higher vocational certificate, worked as farmers/employed, and had an average income of 10,001-15,000 baht per month. Most of them bought legal lottery tickets every draw in 1 year, buying 1 government lottery ticket at a time. In the case of buying more than 1 ticket, most of them chose to buy the same last 2 digits and bought the legal lottery ticket each time not exceeding 100 baht. The time of buying legal lottery tickets was uncertain, buying from general stores, friends/people around them were the source of the numbers they bought. The reason for buying legal lottery was because they liked to take risks. The chance of buying legal lottery tickets was uncertain, In the case of buying legal lottery tickets with numbers that did not match their needs, most of them chose to buy the reverse number. They followed the lottery results via radio. They thought the legal lottery price was appropriate for the economic situation. Most of them had never won the lottery and after not winning the lottery, they would buy again in the next draw.

Conclusion: The results of the hypothesis testing on factors affecting the purchase of legal lottery tickets by the sample groups with different genders, ages, status, education levels, and incomes were not significantly different overall and in each aspect at  a statistical level of .05


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How to Cite

Yordyot, C., Tongyen, C., Phramsiri , R. ., Wongchai, P. ., & Sittiju, P. . (2025). Factors affecting people’s purchase of government lottery tickets Wang Sam Mo District, Udon Thani Province . Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 12(1), 235–250. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rdirmu/article/view/285242



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