A Study on Physical Fitness and Exercises Behaviors of Undergraduates


  • Yanisa Phungkat Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Onchulee Niradrop Ramkhamhaeng University
  • Siriwan Chobthamasakul Ramkhamhaeng University


Physical fitness, Exercises Behavior, Personal factors


Background and Aims: The purpose of this study was to 1) study the level of physical fitness and exercises behaviors of undergraduates 2) study the relationships between personal factors that related to exercises behaviors of undergraduates.

Methodology: This study employs survey research. The samples were 37 undergraduates, who registered Health Promotion for Life in the academic year 2024. The data were collected by using 1) the physical fitness test, comprising 5 items, consisting of body mass index, sit and reach, hand grip strength, 60 seconds chair stand and standing long jump.                   The item-objective congruence index was 1. 2) questionnaires about exercises behaviors. The item-objective congruence index was 0.83 The data collected were analyzed                     by using percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient.

Results: The findings were as follows 1) Body mass index of male students were in proportional criteria and female students is in proportion Flexibility of male students were low range and female students were in the low criteria Muscular strength of male students were in the low criteria and female students were in the low criteria Muscular endurance of male students were in the good and female students were in the good Muscular strength and power of male students were in the lower criteria and female students were in the lower criteria and the exercises behaviors were in the moderate level Body mass index had relationships with exercises behaviors level (p =0.046)                    at statistical significance.

Conclusion: The research findings indicate that male and female students had physical Fitness below the standard, exercise behavior were in moderate level and body mass index had relationships with exercises behaviors level. Therefore, students should have more movement or exercise to keep their physical fitness within standard and those involved should promote and support places and equipment for exercising for students


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How to Cite

Phungkat , Y. ., Niradrop, O., & Chobthamasakul, S. . (2025). A Study on Physical Fitness and Exercises Behaviors of Undergraduates. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 12(1), 199–218. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rdirmu/article/view/284896



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