Factors Affecting the Operation of Thamanao Subdistrict Administrative Organization
Factors Affecting, Operation, Subdistrict Administrative OrganizationAbstract
Background and Aims: The Subdistrict Administrative Organization (SAO) plays a vital role in local governance, ensuring the delivery of essential public services, infrastructure development, and community welfare at the grassroots level. It fosters citizen participation and addresses localized needs, promoting sustainable development in rural areas. This research aims to (1) study the operation level of Tha Manao Sub-district Administrative Organization, Chai Badan District, Lop Buri Province, (2) study the factors affecting the operation of Tha Manao Sub-district Administrative Organization, Chai Badan District, Lop Buri Province, and (3) study recommendations on factors affecting the operation of Tha Manao Sub-district Administrative Organization, Chai Badan District, Lop Buri Province.
Methodology: Quantitative research was used. The sample consisted of 347 people aged 18 years and over in Tha Manao Sub-district Administrative Organization by using Taro Yamane's formula. The research instrument was a rating scale questionnaire with a reliability of 0.735. The statistics used for data analysis were percentage, mean, frequency, standard deviation and linear multiple regression analysis.
Results: The results of the research found that (1) the operation level of Tha Manao Sub-district Administrative Organization, Chai Badan District, Lop Buri Province was at a high level overall. (2) Factors affecting the operation level of Tha Manao Sub-district Administrative Organization Chai Badan District, Lopburi Province, including factors of public participation, teamwork, resource factors, and leadership factors, can explain the operation of Tha Manao Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Chai Badan District, Lopburi Province (Y) by 77.20 percent with statistical significance at the .05 level and (3) recommendations include promoting leaders to have a clear vision, setting long-term goals, and linking organizational strategies with community needs, such as training in strategic decision-making skills and resource management, supporting clear communication within the team and between departments, and creating various channels for exchanging information, allocating budgets, personnel, materials, equipment, and technology appropriately and sufficiently for each project, setting clear and continuous policies so that the project can operate effectively, and organizing a forum or channel for people to express their opinions on problems and needs in the community.
Conclusion: The research concluded that the Tha Manao Sub-district Administrative Organization operates at a high level, influenced significantly by public participation, teamwork, resources, and leadership, explaining 77.20% of its effectiveness. Key recommendations include fostering visionary leadership, aligning strategies with community needs, improving communication, and ensuring adequate resource allocation for sustainable development.
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