Factors Affecting Academic Achievement in Social Studies of Grad, 7 Students under Mahasarakham Secondary Educational Service Area Office


  • Akariya Srichata Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university
  • Arun Suikraduang Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university


Academic achievement, teaching behaviors, achievement motivation, attitudes towards learning


This study investigated the determinants influencing social studies performance among Grade 7 students within the Mahasarakham Secondary Educational Service Area Office. The aims were to: 1) ascertain the amounts of elements influencing learning accomplishment, 2) examine the correlations among these components, and 3) formulate predictive equations. A total of 372 Grade 7 pupils were chosen through multi-stage random sampling. The research tools included three surveys utilizing           a 5-point rating scale to assess teaching behaviors, achievement motivation, and learning attitudes (15 items each), a 20-item true-false basic knowledge assessment, and a 20-item multiple-choice achievement evaluation. The data were examined via descriptive statistics and stepwise multiple regression. The results indicated that learning attitudes (x̄=4.86), teaching behaviors (x̄=4.83), and achievement motivation (x̄=4.80) were at the greatest level, although basic knowledge and achievement were at satisfactory levels. All indicators exhibited significant positive relationships with accomplishment (p<.01, .05). The regression study demonstrated that these four factors strongly forecasted learning achievement (R²=.211, p<.01), producing both raw score                                                      (Ŷ=-5.900+0.263X₁+0.256X₄+0.121X₂+0.084X₃) and standardized score (Z=0.570Zx+0.457Zx2+0.286Zx4+0.148Zx) prediction equations.


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How to Cite

Srichata, A. ., & Suikraduang, A. . (2024). Factors Affecting Academic Achievement in Social Studies of Grad, 7 Students under Mahasarakham Secondary Educational Service Area Office. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 11(3), 367–378. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rdirmu/article/view/283036



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