The Guideline Development for Conducting Health-Promoting Schools for The Schools under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office 2


  • Chaiwat Somngoen Mahasarakham University
  • Tharinthorn Namwan Maha Sarakham universit


development, Guideline for Conducting Health-Promoting Schools


This research aimed to 1) study a current condition, a desirable condition, and the need for conducting health-promoting schools for the schools under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office 2 2) develop the guideline for conducting health promoting schools for the schools under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office 2. The research was performed in 2 phases as follows. Phase 1: The current condition, the desirable condition, and the need for conducting health-promoting schools for the schools under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office 2 were studied. The sample group consisted of 260 school administrators and healthcare teachers randomly determined by stratified random sampling.                The research tool was a questionnaire. Phrase 2: The guideline development for conducting health-promoting schools for the schools under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office 2 was studied. The sample group consisted of the school administrators and the healthcare teachers from 3 best-practice schools. There were       5 evaluators to assess the suitability and feasibility of the guideline. The research tools were an interview form and the suitability and feasibility of the guideline scales. The statistics used in the quantitative data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

The results found as follows:

  1. The current condition and the desirable condition for conducting health-promoting schools for the schools under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office 2 were overall at high level. The need for conducting health-promoting schools for the schools under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office ranked, in descending order, namely, healthcare services, social counseling and support, school policies, healthy environmental school management, school management, healthcare support for school personals, working project with local community, exercising, sports and recreation activities, health education in school and safe nutrition.
  2. The guideline for conducting health-promoting schools for the schools under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office 2 consisted of 10 aspects 30 guidelines. In addition, the results of assessing the suitability and feasibility of the guidelines were at the highest level.


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How to Cite

Somngoen, C. . ., & Namwan, T. . (2024). The Guideline Development for Conducting Health-Promoting Schools for The Schools under the Office of Roi Et Primary Education Service Area Office 2. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 11(2), 361–376. retrieved from



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