The Developing Strategy on Educational Administration and Management For Development of Educational Quality in Private Schools of Udon Thani Province


  • Amnuai Meerakar Pitchayabundit College


Developing Strategy , Educational Administration and Management Educational quality , Private Schools


This research was mixed – method research included quantitative research and qualitative research with the objectives included a study of fundamental data on developing strategy for development of administration and management for development of educational quality in private schools of Udonthani Province 2) creation of the developing strategy on administration and management for education on quality in private schools of Udonthani Province using test of developing strategy on educational administration and management for educational development on quality in private schools of Udonthani Province and estimation the developing strategy on administration and management for education on quality in private schools of Udonthani Province. The instruments using for this research included questionnaires, deep interview, record model for meeting and group dialogue. The statistics using for quantitative data analyzing included percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The samples for the first period were 110 persons from administrators and teachers and from wise people for 5 persons, for second period were 9 persons from the wise people for third period were 495 persons from administrators and teachers and for Fifth period were 275 persons from administrators and teachers.






The results of findings were as follows :

1.The results of findings on currentcondition for development of administration and management on education quality in private schools of Udon Thani province were in medium level for overall,the need was in high level for overall and the expectation on lining from high to low includedthe aspects on administration and management personnel’s, development on the system ofadministration and management and academicadministration and management as respectively.

  1. The results on creation of developingstrategy for development on educational quality in private schools of Udonthaniprovince included 8 strategies as 1. Preparation of readiness 9 for learners, 2. Systemperformance enhanced towards educational quality, 3. Development for teachers andeducationalpersonnel’s, 4. Development of information technology for education, 5. Development of curriculum and performanceon learning and teaching, 6. Support on participation from all parts in communities 7.caption of resources for support anddevelopment educational quality and 8. Creation of academic network fordevelopment of educational quality.
  2. The results of appropriated estimation for strategy and handbook on strategic wasge for development on administration and managements for educational development in private schools of UdonThani provincewere in high level for overall.
  3. The test of strategic usage was founded that the effectiveness of strategyon development of administration and management for development of educationalquality in private schools of Udon Thani province was in the highest level foroverall.
  4. The results on estimation for possibility and utility of developing strategyon administration and management for development of educational quality inprivate schools of Udon Thani provincewere in the highest level for overall.
  5. The results of participialestimation of administratorsand teachers towards developing strategy for administration andmanagement for development of educationalquality in privateschools of Udon Thaniprovincewere in the higherlevel for overall.


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How to Cite

Meerakar, A. . (2024). The Developing Strategy on Educational Administration and Management For Development of Educational Quality in Private Schools of Udon Thani Province . Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 11(1), 37–54. retrieved from



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