
  • Suwanan Donbankhiaw Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Pharanat Pharanat Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university


CIRC technique cooperative learning, exercises, skills read and write spelling


The objectives of this experimental research were 1.) Collaborative learning management, CIRC technique together with training for grade 2 students with 80/80 performance criteria. 2.) Comparison of reading and spelling abilities using the cooperative learning management technique CIRC together with pre-learn and post-learn exercises. 3.) To study the satisfaction of Prathom Suksa 2 students towards the development of reading and spelling abilities using the cooperative learning management technique CIRC with exercises. The sample group was 20 grade 2 students at Kiatkajorn Wittaya School, semester 2, and academic year 2022, which was obtained by cluster random sampling using the school as a random unit. Research tools consisted of 1) a collaborative group learning plan using CIRC techniques combined with exercises, 6 plans totaling 12 hours. 2) a test of reading and spelling abilities. Subjective writing answer 3) Satisfaction questionnaire, 10 items

The findings revealed that: 1.) Learning management using collaborative learning management, CIRC technique together with exercises, had an efficiency 82.75/83.33, which is higher than the specified criteria.   2.) The learning ability of the students. in reading and writing spelling By using cooperative learning management, CIRC technique combined with post-learning exercises were higher than before learning with statistical significance at the .05 level 3.) The satisfaction of grade 2 students who learned the cooperative learning management CIRC technique combined with exercises was at a high level


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How to Cite

Donbankhiaw, S., & Pharanat, P. (2023). DEVELOPMNT OF READING AND SPELLING ABILIES BY USING THE COOPERATIVE LEARNING MANAGEMENT TECHNIQUE CIRC TOGETHER WITH EXERCSISES FOR STUDENT IN 2. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 10(3), 291–304. retrieved from



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