The development of knowledge learning activity quest (7e) in mapping a synthesis science of mathayomsuksa 1 students


  • Benjamas Ponyut Roi Et Rajabhat University
  • Jitraporn Wongkamjan Roi Et Rajabhat University


knowledge learning activity quest (7e) in mapping, scientific process skills


This objectives of this research were 1) To study the effectiveness of the quest for knowledge learning activities plan 7 steps together with the concept map according to the 75/75 2) to compare scientific process skills before and after learning by using the quest for knowledge learning activities 7 steps together with the conceptual chart For students in Grade 1 research sample Including 29 Mathayom 1 students in the second semester of the academic year 2021, Muang Mit Wittayakhom School, Phon Thong District, Roi Et Province. Under the Roi Et Secondary Education Service Area Office which was obtained from a random group.The research instruments included : 1) Science Exploration Learning Activities Plan 7 steps together with 6 conceptual plans 2) measure scientific process tests with 4 multiple choices,30 items. reliability of 0.95, The statistics used to analyze percentage namely mean,standard deviation, percentage and t-test

          The research results were as follow : 1) the organization of learning activities in the pursuit of knowledge 7 steps together with the concept map for Mathayom Suksa 1 students, the efficiency (E1/E2) was 84.36/81.49 higher than the specified criteria 75/75

2) Students who study through a 7-step cognitive learning activity with concept maps develop scientific process skills. After studying above the statistically significant threshold at the .05 level


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How to Cite

Ponyut, B., & Wongkamjan , J. . (2023). The development of knowledge learning activity quest (7e) in mapping a synthesis science of mathayomsuksa 1 students. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 10(1), 377–390. retrieved from



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