The study learning ability and satisfaction of using paint program through think paire share technic of co-operative learning theory for Prathomsuksa 4


  • Jintana Kutdon Nakhonratchasima college


Think Pair Share Cooperative Learning Techniques, Learning Quotient, satisfied


This research aimed 1) Compare your ability to learn to use Paint program for Prathomsuksa 4 pupils after learning by using a cooperative teaching style think Pair Share technique compared to the average of 70 per cent, and 2) to study the students' satisfaction with learning to use Paint program to use Paint program for Prathomsuksa 4 pupils. The research methodology used was an experimental research. The sample group included 12 Prathomsuksa 4 pupils, Bannongthourphap School in Semester 2, Academic Year 2021. The research instruments included (1) a learning management plan computer on the use Paint program for Prathomsuksa 4 pupils including 6 plans (2) Student Performance Assessment Form (3) computer learning achievement tests (4) a satisfaction questionnaire. The statistics used in analyzing the data were Mean, Standard Deviation, and Data analysis by t-test One Sample.

The results of the research were concluded that 1) ability to learn to use Paint program for Prathomsuksa 4 pupils after learning by using a cooperative teaching style think Pair Share technique compared to the average of 70 per cent at the statistical significance of .05 and 2) the satisfaction of studying to use Paint program to use Paint program for Prathomsuksa 4 pupils at a high level.


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How to Cite

Kutdon, J. (2023). The study learning ability and satisfaction of using paint program through think paire share technic of co-operative learning theory for Prathomsuksa 4. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 10(1), 575–586. retrieved from



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