Academic Administration Status of Watsing District Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre, Chainat Province


  • Nattawan Meejan Nakhonratchasima College
  • Sunthon Kohtbantau Nakhonratchasima College




The research purposes were: (1) to study the academic administration status of Watsing District Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre, Chainat Province; (2) to compare the academic administration status of Watsing District Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre, Chainat Province, classified by gender, age, education background, position, and work experience; and (3) to study the recommendations of academic administration status of Watsing District Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre, Chainat Province. The population was the personnel of Watsing District Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre, Chainat Province; the sample group was the 46 personnel. The research instrument was the 5-level estimate rating scale questionnaire with reliability 0.95. The data analysis statistics were the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, one-way analysis of variance, and pair-mean comparison by method of Scheffé.

       The research findings were:

  1. The academic administration status of Watsing District Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre, Chainat Province found the operations overall was at high level. When each aspect consideration found the education guidance aspect and the aspect of quality assurance systems development within educational institutions were at the highest level of operations; for the educational institutions development aspect, the learning processes development aspect, the measurement-evaluation and academic transfer aspect, the learning resources development aspect, the education supervision aspect, and the aspect of coordination in academic development with other educational institutions were at high level; and the last found the aspect of academic knowledge promotion with the community was at moderate level.
  2. The comparison results of academic administration status of Watsing District Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre, Chainat Province, classified by gender, age, and work experience found the overall did not different; when classified by education background and position found the overall was different with statistics significance level .05.




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How to Cite

Meejan, N., & Kohtbantau , S. . (2022). Academic Administration Status of Watsing District Non-Formal and Informal Education Centre, Chainat Province. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 9(3), 117–128. retrieved from



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