A study of the results of the teacher's learning management assessment model For students with learning disabilities at the secondary school


  • techita Oakkhahat Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university
  • Piyatida Panya Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university
  • Paisarn Worakam Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university


teacher learning management assessment model, students with learning disabilities at the secondary level


          The purpose of this research was to study the results of the learning management assessment model. of teachers for students with learning disabilities  at the secondary level By using the research and development process, the researcher developed and assessed the quality of the learning management assessment model. of teachers for students with learning disabilities at the secondary level by using the seminar technique based on 9 experts to check the suitability and feasibility, then developed and improved according to the advice of experts and then used to study the results of using the assessment model. Teacher learning management for students with learning disabilities at the secondary school level in 3 core schools and 3 participating schools. Teacher Learning Management Assessment Form for Students with Learning Disabilities in Secondary School The statistics used in the data analysis consisted of basic statistics, i.e. mean, standard deviation. Median and Interquartile Range The results showed that 1. Teacher's Learning Management Assessment Model for Students with Learning Disabilities in Secondary School There is appropriateness and feasibility at a high level, consisting of principles, concepts, objectives, assessment objectives. Assessment method Assessment Criteria and Assessor The aim of the assessment consists of 4 standards, namely, factors contributing to learning. Teacher characteristics learning management Quality of learners with learning disabilities. 2. The results of a study on the use of the teacher assessment model for students with learning disabilities at the secondary level In the leading schools, the average was 91.37, at a very good level. The mean was 67.77 in the moderate level


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How to Cite

Oakkhahat, techita, Panya, P. ., & Worakam, P. . (2022). A study of the results of the teacher’s learning management assessment model For students with learning disabilities at the secondary school . Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 9(1), 391–402. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rdirmu/article/view/256381



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