Service Leadership of School Administrators According to the Opinion of Teachers under the Jurisdiction of Chiang Mai Provincial Vocational Education Office


  • Saowakon Bunyapapha Nakhonratchasima college
  • Sunthon Kohtbantau Nakhonratchasima college


Service Leadership, School Administrators


The research purposes were to study the service leadership of school administrators according to the opinion of teachers under the jurisdiction of Chiang Mai Provincial Vocational Education Office; and to compare the service leadership of school administrators according to the opinion of teachers under the jurisdiction of Chiang Mai Provincial Vocational Education Office, classified by teaching experience and school size. The research population was the government teachers in schools under the jurisdiction of Chiang Mai Provincial Vocational Education Office. The sample group was the 310 teachers; selected by simple random sampling, and proportion. The research instrument was the 5-level estimate rating scale questionnaire with Index of Item Objective Congruence between 0.60-1.00 and reliability 0.98. The data analysis statistics were the percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test (Independent Samples), One-Way Analysis of Variance, and pair comparison by method of Scheffé.

The research findings were:

  1. The service leadership of school administrators according to the opinion of teachers under the jurisdiction of Chiang Mai Provincial Vocational Education Office found the overall and each aspect were at high level. When each aspect consideration found all aspects were at high level. The descending mean were the responsible and care aspect, the hearing aspect, the community building aspect, the awareness, aspect, the persuasion aspect, the healing the mind aspect, the aspect of development for growing determination, the understanding the feelings of others aspect, the visualization aspect, and the foresightedness aspect, respectively.
  2. The comparison results of service leadership of school administrators according to the opinion of teachers under the jurisdiction of Chiang Mai Provincial Vocational Education Office were:  

               2.1 The government teachers with different of teaching experience had the opinion on the service leadership of school administrators under the jurisdiction of Chiang Mai Provincial Vocational Education Office found the overall did not different. When each aspect consideration found the understanding the feelings of others aspect and the foresightedness aspect were different with statistical significance level 0.05; the rest aspect did not different.

               2.2 The government teachers with different of school size had the opinion on the service leadership of school administrators under the jurisdiction of Chiang Mai Provincial Vocational Education Office found the overall was different with statistical significance level 0.05. When each aspect consideration found the understanding the feelings of others aspect, the healing the mind aspect, the awareness, aspect, the awareness, aspect, the persuasion aspect, the visualization aspect, the foresightedness aspect, the responsible and care aspect, the aspect of development for growing determination, and the community building aspect were different with statistical significance level 0.05; except the hearing aspect did not different.











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How to Cite

Bunyapapha, S., & Kohtbantau , S. . (2022). Service Leadership of School Administrators According to the Opinion of Teachers under the Jurisdiction of Chiang Mai Provincial Vocational Education Office. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 9(3), 439–450. retrieved from



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