Student registration management problems in schools under the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office


  • Mathuros Bunditkul Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office
  • Pakawan Lunsamrong Nakhon Ratchasima College
  • Suwattanapong Romsri Roi Et Provincial Education Office


งานทะเบียนนักเรียน, การบริหารจัดการ


The study have a purpose To study and compare the opinions of the respondents on the problem of student registration management of schools under the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office. Classified by status, age and gender, the population was students, parents and educational personnel of schools under the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office, Academic Year 2020, totaling 383 people, which were obtained by comparing the total population with the sample size table. and using a technique of stratified random sampling.  Tools used in the research as a questionnaire A 5-level estimation scale with IOC values between 0.80 – 1.00 and a reliability of 0.88. The basic statistics used to analyze the data were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the statistic used for hypothesis testing were  t-test , f-test and the statistic used for hypothesis testing were  t-test , F-test and Scheffe ' method 

research results

  1. Opinions of the respondents on the problem of student registration management in schools under the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office Overall, it's at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that Student registration management problems at high and moderate levels


  1. Opinions of the respondents on the problem of student registration management in schools under the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office classified by status overall different The statistical significance at the .05 level, classified by age, overall was not different, by gender, overall and by aspect were not different.




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How to Cite

Bunditkul, M., Lunsamrong, P. ., & Romsri, S. . (2022). Student registration management problems in schools under the Bueng Kan Primary Educational Service Area Office . Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 9(2), 137–148. retrieved from



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