Development of learning activities by organizing learning in cippa style buddhism secondary school year 1


  • Teerachai Chaiserm Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university
  • Chanachai Uanwung Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university
  • Arun Suikraduang Rajabhat Maha Sarakham university


Cippa, learning management, Buddhist achievement


          The purpose of this research is to 1) develop a learning activity of Sippa. Buddhism Secondary 1 To be effective according to Criteria 75/75 2) Study the Index of Effectiveness of CIPPA learning activities. Buddhism High School Year 1 3) Compare student achievement before and after class with Cippa learning activities. Buddhism High School Year 1  4) Study student satisfaction with the Sippa learning activities. Buddhism Mathayom Suksa 1, a sample group was Mathayom Suksa 1 student at Kham Pomphitthayakhom School Wapi Pathum District Mahasarakham Province 4) Study of students' satisfaction towards learning activities like Sippa. Buddhism Mathayom Suksa 1, a sample group was Mathayom Suksa 1 student at Kham Pomphitthayakhom School. Wapi Pathum District Mahasarakham Province A total of 30 people were obtained by random order. Research tools include learning management plans. Achievement test And satisfaction questionnaire The statistics used for data analysis were mean, percentage, standard deviation. And statistics test Wilcoxon Singed Rank Test The results of the research were as follows: 1) the results of the development of learning activities in Sippa Buddhism For Secondary Education Level 1 to be effective in accordance with the 75/75 criteria, there were 14 learning management plans. Each plan consisted of essential, standard, indicators Learning purpose Learning The process of organizing learning activities Learn materials / learning resources Measuring and evaluating learning outcomes Notes after learning activities Suitability assessment results The mean values ​​ranged from 4.70-4.80, which was at the most appropriate level and the results were 87.66 / 87.85, which met the specified criteria. Learn Zippa style. Buddhism subjects equal to 0.48, indicating that after studying with Cippa learning activities Buddhism That the researcher has developed Then the students have progressed in their studies Buddhism has increased. 48.00% 3) Academic achievement of Mathayomsuksa 1 students by organizing Sippa learning activities. Buddhism The study was significantly higher than before studying at the .05 level. 4) Student satisfaction with the Zippa learning activities. Buddhism Secondary school year 1 overall was at the highest level.




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How to Cite

Chaiserm, T., Uanwung, C. ., & Suikraduang, A. . (2022). Development of learning activities by organizing learning in cippa style buddhism secondary school year 1. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 9(1), 275–286. retrieved from



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