Action Research for Developing a Music and Rhythmic Activities Package for The Early Childhood


  • Kittiya Raveechatphong Phetchabun Rajabhat University


Kids, Music for kids


         The early childhood is the importance part of learning. They were like a white clothes with can be draw any patterns and added any color on it. Since this part is the most effective for brain’s development. This research is aims to study of teaching management. Research instrument was using activities with music and rhythm which researcher created for prepare and develop the early childhood of body, feeling, social and IQ. The population was 1 room of the early childhood in “Anuban Phetchabun School”. The early childhood will learn with action by playing with music in individual and group which were assigned the role play for each one while can be group and create the easy song such as crap the hands, singing, etc. This activity will develop emotion and human relation for them.


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How to Cite

Raveechatphong, K. . (2021). Action Research for Developing a Music and Rhythmic Activities Package for The Early Childhood. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 8(2), 441–450. retrieved from



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