Hotel companies operate in a highly competitive environment, targeting much clientele from the internationalmarket with many specialties
Strategic Management, Hotel Management, Global Crises, COVID- 19, RecoveryAbstract
Hotel companies operate in a highly competitive environment, targeting much clientele from the internationalmarket with many specialties. The management in these too demanding conditions is called upon to applymodern strategic management practices by analyzing global developments and supporting the decision makingprocess by limiting the uncertaintycreated by the external environment. In this context, it is imperative to analyze the financial and administrative impact of COVID- 19, which strongly threatens touristtraffic and largely overturning current budget estimations. Strategiccontribution to addressing this threat by adopting the established business strategy. This article is based onsimilar past crises,, as they were faced with strategic tools. This work aims to discuss and present the mostappropriate recovery management strategies,which can help the hotel industryrespond to this unprecedented crisis.
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