The development of Quality Management Strategies of Cosmeceuticals industry Company
The development, Quality Management Strategies, CosmeceuticalsAbstract
The purpose of this article is to the development of Quality Management Strategies of Cosmeceuticals Industry Company by is to develop a conceptual framework the MicKinsey’s 7s framework and Total Quality Management to Cosmeceuticals Business Result.Based on literature review and documentary analysis. The results that developed conceptual framework has the exogenous latent variables composed of MicKinsey’s 7s framework with 7 observed variables are structure, strategy, system, style, staff, skill, shared value, and tne endogenous latent variable composed of total quality management with 5 observed variables are leadership, customer focus, continuos improvement,employees involvement, process management, and business result with 2 observed variables are financial performance, non-financial performance. This conceptual framework relies on theoretical knowledge and related literature review,then it should be tested to be consistent with empirical data, to apply the results in operations the business to succeed.
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