Model of successful Quality Work Life management noncommissioned officers attached to Army Noncommissioned School Royal Thai Army


  • Nipattarata Jawa-at Master of Public Administration, Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin
  • Vorasit Chareonput Rajamangala University of Technology Rattanakosin


Quality of work life management, Noncommissioned officer, Noncommissioned school Royal Thai Army


          This study aimed to (1) evaluated noncommissioned officers’ quality of work life management. (2) compared respondents’ attitude toward successful quality of work life management verified by respondents demographic factors (3) explain relationships between affecting factors and successful quality of work life management, moreover forecasted successful quality of work life management. (4) presented model of successful quality work life management. This research employed a mixed-method approach combining both qualitative and quantitative methods. In the qualitative part, the data were collected through in-depth interviews and non-participant observations. The key informants consisted of noncommissioned officers, totally nine persons. The data were analyzed by a thematic analysis. In the quantitative part, the data were collected by a questionnaire. The samples consisted of 300 noncommissioned officers attached to Army Noncommissioned School Royal Thai Army. The statistics used in analysis consisted of percentage, mean and standard deviation, t test ANOVA F, Pearson correlation and multiple Regression analysis.

            Results revealed that (1) noncommissioned officers’ quality of work life management was high level. (2) There was a significant statistical difference of respondents ‘attitude toward successful quality of work life management verified by respondents ’demographic factors at .05 level. (3) there was a positive significant statistical relationship between affecting factors and successful of quality of work life management at .01 level, and could forecasted successful quality of work life management at 61.2 percent. (4) The model of successful quality of work life management were as follows; satisfaction of workplace, motivation factors Organization and organization culture.



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How to Cite

Jawa-at, N., & Chareonput, V. (2020). Model of successful Quality Work Life management noncommissioned officers attached to Army Noncommissioned School Royal Thai Army. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 7(1), 379–396. retrieved from



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