Development of Teacher Competency in Classroom Research with PLC (Professional Learning Community) for Baan Dong Man School, Borabue Subdistrict, Mahasarakham


  • Supawadee Chandit Student of M.Ed. (Educational Administration), Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Asst. prof. Dr. U-rasa Promta Lecturer of Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Sombat Ritthidet Lecturer of Faculty of Education, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University,


The development of teacher competencies in classroom research, PLC process


The purposes of this research were to 1) study current situation of teachers’ classroom research 2) study the approach for teacher competency development in classroom research and 3) study the result of teacher competency development in classroom research by using PLC (Professional Learning Community) for Baan Dong Man School, Borabue subdistrict, Mahasarakham. The research procedures were divided into two phrases. The first stage was to study the current situation and approach for teacher competency development in classroom research by using PLC (Professional Learning Community) for Baan Dong Man School, Borabue subdistrict, Mahasarakham. The target group of this research included 1 administrator and 9 teachers. Focus group Discussion was used as a research instrument and Content Analysis was used for data analysis. The second stage was the studying of the result of teacher competency development in classroom research by using PLC (Professional Learning Community) for Baan Dong Man School, Borabue subdistrict, Mahasarakham with 10 members of this research. The results found that :

  1. Teachers rarely used the process of research to solve the problem in the classroom and to develop the teaching. Teachers lacked of knowledge and skill in action research. The method of solving problem was to follow the 5 steps of doing research ; 1) survey and problem analysis 2) method of solving problem 3) innovation and development 4) applying and 5) conclusion and report.
  2. The result of teacher competency development in classroom research found that the co-researchers were better understanding with the research progress and gain more knowledge about the process of action research. The co-researchers were able to point out the research problem, select the proper tool for research method to solve the classroom problems, design the innovation and present the proposal and summarize the research report.


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How to Cite

Chandit, S., Promta, A. prof. D. U.- rasa, & Ritthidet, A. P. D. S. (2019). Development of Teacher Competency in Classroom Research with PLC (Professional Learning Community) for Baan Dong Man School, Borabue Subdistrict, Mahasarakham. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 6(2), 111–128. retrieved from



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