Development Practice of Administrative Officer in Rajabhat MahaSarakham University


  • Nattakul Phooklang General Administrative Officer, Faculty of Law, Maha Sarakham Rajabhat University


development, administrative officer


The objectives of this research were 1) Study the potential development of the administrative officer in Rajabhat Mahasarakham University. 2) Comparison of performance development of general administration officers in Rajabhat Mahasarakham University by gender, age and duration of work and 3) To study the suggestions for improving the performance of administrative officer in Mahasarakham Rajabhat University. Population and sample used in the research were support personnel administrative officer, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University statistics used to test the hypothesis are t-test (Independent Sample) and F-test (One-way ANOVA). The research found that

  1. The results of the analysis of performance development of administrative officer in Rajabhat Mahasarakam University. Very high It was found that in every aspect Sort by average to descending order such as Moral of work ethics (= 4.47; S.D. =.50) The coordination (= 4.11; S.D. =.63). Performance skills (= 4.10; S.D. =.52). Methodology and activities ( = 4.02; S.D. =.69) and Motivation for work performance (= 3.85; S.D. =.80), respectively.
  2. The results of the comparative analysis of the performance development of the administrative officer in Rajabhat Mahasarakam University by gender, age and duration of work were not significantly different at the.05 level.
  3. Opinions on the performance development of the administrative officer in Rajabhat Mahasarakham University. The respondents gave their suggestions. Sort by Ascending Descending such as there should be enough welfare benefits such as free housing, medical treatment, loans, etc. (26.09%). Establish a budget for the establishment of database systems, regulations, and practices. And other regulations are standard and are current (23.91%). Internet should be developed. It is safe, fast and sufficient to use (17.39%). Should be encouraged to attend training (10.87%) Improvements should be made to the public utility system. Internal phone Internet access (8.69%). The promotion criteria should be more standardized (6.53%). Should have training Technological advances in the use of technology to modernize and update (4.35%) and they should promote their duties by taking into account the reputation and interests of the university (2.17%), respectively.


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How to Cite

Phooklang, N. (2019). Development Practice of Administrative Officer in Rajabhat MahaSarakham University. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 6(2), 101–110. retrieved from



Research Articles