Establish the Research Problem Framework and Topic by Using the Scientific Theory


  • ศุภชัย คล่องขยัน Journal of Research for Development Social and Community, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Research Problem, Research Topic, Scientific Theory


Establish the research problem framework and topic using scientific theory is to search the truth about the phenomena studied by scientific way, in other way, research is to seek answers, thus, doubt, curiosity and questioning is the starting point as research process as determining research problems and topics or set the research questions and scientific theories. Therefore, the framework elements of research problems and topics by using the scientific theory consist of 5 process; (1) Search Research Topics, (2) reduce level of research topics as a research problem, (3) definition of operations, (4) consideration of empirical evidence, (5) trying to answer and (6) Try to reduce level topic as problem and variables involved.


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How to Cite

คล่องขยัน ศ. (2016). Establish the Research Problem Framework and Topic by Using the Scientific Theory. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 3(3), 44–54. Retrieved from



Research Articles