The Dissemination of the Creation of Thai Folktales Animations to a Community


  • พจน์ศิรินทร์ ลิมปินันทน์ อาจารย์ประจําสาขาวิชาเทคโนโลยีและสารสนเทศ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏมหาสารคาม


Creative Animation, Animation Cartoon, Thai Folktales


This research aims 1) to dissemination of the creation of Thai Folktales Animations in
learning activities; 2) to study the satisfaction with using the Creation of Thai Folktales
Animations of teachers and students at BanNongjiktharae School, and 3) to study the
satisfaction of the students with the dissemination activity of the Creation of Thai Folktales
Animations. The respondents were divided into two groups. The first group was 44 teachers
and students at BanNongjiktharae School, Mahasarakham, and the second group was 35
university students majoring in Multimedia Technology and Animation at Rajabhat Maha
sarakham University. The research tools were the Creation of Thai Folktales Animations and
evaluation forms questionnaires. The data were analyzed using mean and standard
The finding were as follow :
1. The teachers showed the highest level of benefits in using the Creation of
Thai Folktales Animations. (X =4.59, S.D.= 0.56)
2. Teachers and students showed satisfaction with using the Creation of Thai
Folktales Animations at the highest level. (X =4.80, S.D.= 0.40)
3. The students showed satisfaction dissemination activity of the Creation of
Thai Folktales Animations at the highest level. (X =4.54, S.D.= 0.29)


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How to Cite

ลิมปินันทน์ พ. (2015). The Dissemination of the Creation of Thai Folktales Animations to a Community. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 2(2), 134–142. retrieved from



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