Risk Assessment and Community Capacity Level to Community Preparation for Sustainable Dengue Problem Solution in Boutue Sub-district, Songkhla Province


  • จิตรทิพย์ จันมณี นักวิชาการสาธารณสุขชํานาญการ โรงพยาบาลส่งเสริมสุขภาพตําบลบ่อตรุอําเภอระโนด จังหวัดสงขลา
  • ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ดร.จรวย สุวรรณบํารุง ผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ดร. สํานักวิชาพยาบาลศาสตร์มหาวิทยาลัยวลัยลักษณ์ 222 ตําบลไทยบุรีอําเภอท่าศาลา จังหวัดนครศรีธรรมราช


Risk Assessment, Community Capacity Level, Sustainable Dengue Problem Solution


The objectives of current study were to evaluate the risk assessment and
community capacity assessment in total of district and each village. Methods: Mixed
method of data collecting and community participatory approach were using on five
communities in Boutue Sub-district, Songkhla Province. First phase: community preparation,
leader and non-leader. Second phase: risk assessment based on secondary data collection,
interview of the health provider, one group discussion per village, and leader capacity
assessment of the 123 leaders (123 households) with 14 domains of leader assessment
tool (115 items), and non-leader capacity assessment of the 572 non-leaders (572
households) with11 domains of non-leaders (83 items) Data collection and analysis of
community capacity were descriptive statistic and comparative mean statistic among
domains and villages. Thematic analysis was used for qualitative data of group discussion
and open end question. Third phase: Data feedback to community for preparation plan in
each village.
Results: There were the high level of leader capacity (ܺത ; SD : 347 ; 50.8), the
moderate level of non-leader (ܺത ; SD : 227 ; 53.9)and differential statistics significant
between of total leader capacity and non-leader capacity (p<.05). The domain “Religion
leader capacity” and “Dengue working group” were low capacity level. Larval indices level
of the district were high (BI=134.5; HI=57; CI=13.4). The district was hinge risk dengue
problem and devising in three groups: high, moderate, and low level. Moo 5 (BanPou village)was higher risk score than other villages and found high larval indices (BI=128.9;
HI=55.2; CI=14.5), leader capacity was low level (ܺത ; SD : 324 ; 58.4), whereas non-leader
capacity was moderate level (ܺത ; SD : 214.8 ; 57.2). Whereas, Moo 4 (Watpradu village) was
the low risk of dengue. The community capacity showed the high level of leader capacity
(ܺത ; SD : 375.1 ; 43.3), and moderate level of non-leader capacity (ܺത ; SD : 236.0 ; 55.1).
However, the larval indices were high (BI=156.9; HI=60.2; CI=13.1). Three villages (moo 1; 2;
and 3) were moderate level of leader capacity, and high level of non-leader. Moreover,
thematic analysis found several themes of problem and suggestion. Conclusion, dengue risk
area assessment and community capacity level assessment. 


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How to Cite

จันมณี จ., & สุวรรณบํารุง ผ. (2015). Risk Assessment and Community Capacity Level to Community Preparation for Sustainable Dengue Problem Solution in Boutue Sub-district, Songkhla Province. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 2(2), 61–90. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rdirmu/article/view/211719



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