Interdependent Relationships among Image, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty in Resort Industry : A case study of Pranburi Cabana Resort


  • Sirikorn Nhotim Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Wasukran Gramchom Journal of Research for Social and Community Development, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Satisfaction, Loyalty, Image


The purposes of this research were to compare levels of customers satisfaction between general customers and customers of the service group at Pranburi Cabana Resort; to study factor affecting to customer service satisfaction at Pranburi Cabana Resort, stratified random sampling technique was applied to select 500 resort customers. A questionnaire was used as the instrument in gathering data and statistics used in data anlysis were frequency, percentage, average t-score, inferential statistics, ttest, one way ANOVA for Hypothesis testing. In addition, Multiple linear regression at level of significances are 0.05. The result revealed that the factors affecting to customer service satisfaction at Pranburi Cabana Resort includes expectation, quality perspective, value perspective, appearance, service satisfaction, problem of service and service loyalty. Service expectation was primary factor positively impacting quality, and these two factors would be having a positive effect on the value perspective. All three factors were a positive effect on service satisfaction and appearance Pranburi Cabana Resort that positive effects to quality perspective and service satisfaction. Five factors would be a positive effect on the recommendation and service loyalty to the service at level of significance 0.01


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How to Cite

Nhotim, S., & Gramchom, A. P. D. W. (2019). Interdependent Relationships among Image, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty in Resort Industry : A case study of Pranburi Cabana Resort. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 6(1), 223–238. retrieved from



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