Need Assessment in Promoting Teachers’Classroom Action Research of School Administrators in the Phaya-Wang Secondary Schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 35


  • Tabtim Phithakkhetkhan Master of Education students, Educational Administration Program, Department of Education
  • Ratana Daungkaew Educational Administration Program, Department of Education, Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University


Need assessment, Classroom action research, School administrators


The purposes of this research were (1) to study the current and desired conditions of promoting teachers’ classroom action research of school administrators in the Phaya-Wang secondary schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 35; (2) to prioritize the needs to promote teachers’ classroom action research of school administrators; and (3) to study guidelines for promoting teachers’ classroom action research of school administrators. The sample consisted of 137 teachers from the Phaya-Wang secondary schools by using a simple random sampling method. The research instruments were a questionnaire with a dual-response format, dealing with data on the current and desired conditions of promoting teachers’ classroom action research, with the reliability coefficients of 0.87 and 0.88, respectively; and a semistructured interview. The research data were analyzed using the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, modified PNI, and content analysis. The research findings were as follows: (1) the overall rating mean for current conditions was at the moderate level, as for the desired conditions, the overall rating mean was at the highest level; (2) the promotion of teachers’ classroom action research aspects were ranked based on their identified needs from the highest to the lowest as follows: the resource and facility support aspect, the supervision, monitoring, and follow up on classroom action research aspect, the morale enhancement aspect, the teacher professional progression aspect, and the teacher development in classroom action research aspect; and (3) the guidelines for promoting teachers’ classroom action research were the following: school administrators should support budgets and sufficient resources for conducting classroom action research, promote supervision on classroom action research, enhance the morale of teachers, use research results for teacher professional progression, and support learning exchange among teachers.


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How to Cite

Phithakkhetkhan, T., & Daungkaew, R. (2019). Need Assessment in Promoting Teachers’Classroom Action Research of School Administrators in the Phaya-Wang Secondary Schools under Secondary Educational Service Area Office 35. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 6(1), 91–102. retrieved from



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