Human Resource Management Plan and Human Resource Development Plan : The Guideline of Method to Improve Higher Educational Institution in Thailand


  • .AssocProf.Dr.Subunn Ieamvijarn Economics Program, Faculty of Accounting and Management, Mahasarakrm university, Corresponding
  • Asst.Prof.Dr.Suthinee Atthakorn Public Administration Program, Faculty of Political Science and Public Administration, Rajabhat Maha Sarakham University


Human Resource Management Plan, Human Resource Development Plan


Human Resource Management and Human Resource Development Plan are considered to be an important part in the development of universities of Thailand. Due to it show that guideline of management and development of human resource create valuable performance, productivity and competitive advantage of the organization. Success and failure of the organization mainly depends on human resource management and development. So universities of Thailand are focused on to improve human resource management plan and human resource development plan for providing benefit and keep up with the rapidly changing world situations.


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How to Cite

Ieamvijarn, .AssocProf.Dr.Subunn, & Atthakorn, A. (2018). Human Resource Management Plan and Human Resource Development Plan : The Guideline of Method to Improve Higher Educational Institution in Thailand. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 5(1), 345–358. retrieved from



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