Teacher Leadership Factor Affecting Professional Learning Community in School under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 26


  • Veerapong Takonok Master of Education Student (Education Administration), Faculty of Education, Khonkaen University
  • Asst. Prof. Dr. Chawengsak Preuksatewed Lecturer of Faculty of Arts, Khonkaen University, Nongkhai Campus
  • Dr. Prayuth Chusorn Lecturer of Faculty of Education, Rangsit University


Teacher leadership, Professional learning community


leadership factor under the office of secondary educational service area 26, (2) the level of professional learning community in school under the office of secondary educational service area 26, (3) the relationship between teacher leadership factor and professional learning community in school, and (4) teacher leadership factor affecting professional learning community in school. Population of this research were 1,907 people, consist of administrator and teacher in school under the office of secondary educational service area 26. Sampling group remained 320 people with stratified random sampling. Research instrument was five-rating scale. Data were analyzed using mean, percentage, standard deviation, person product moment correlation and stepwise multiple regression analysis by using computer program for figuring out. The findings were as follows : (1) Overview of teacher leadership factor under the office of secondary educational service area 26 at a “high” level of performance. The highest performance was found with professional teacher while the lowest one was transformational leadership. (2) Overview of professional learning community in school under the office of secondary educational service area 26 at a “highest” level of performance. The highest performance was found with share leadership while lowest was personal learning and development. (3) The relationship between teacher leadership factor and professional learning community in school under the office of secondary educational service area 26 were positively correlated with a statistical significance at the.01 level. (4) Teacher leadership factor affecting professional learning community in school under the office of secondary educational service area 26 was found with 1) professional teacher 2) role model in teaching 3) self and colleagues’ development 4) transformational leadership. The multiple correlation coefficients were 0.839 and 70.30 percentage with statistically significant level of.01.


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How to Cite

Takonok, V., Preuksatewed, A. P. D. C., & Chusorn, D. P. (2018). Teacher Leadership Factor Affecting Professional Learning Community in School under the Office of Secondary Educational Service Area 26. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 5(2), 197–212. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rdirmu/article/view/210606



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