Lifelong Education Management of Participatory Process Model for Students’ Career Skills in Local School


  • Manit Lermkummarn Ph.D. Student (Educational Management for Local Development), Rajabhat Mahasarakham University


Lifelong Education Management, Local Career, Life Skills Strengthen


The purpose of this research is to study basic information and needs, to design and develop, to test, to use, to evaluate and to improve the model of lifelong education for local occupations. To enhance the students' life skills. Research and Development Methodology is divided into 4 phases. Phase 1 : Research1 : R1. Analysis1. Phase2. Development1 : D1. Design and Development Phase 3 Research2 : R2. The development and development phase (Development2 : D2) is an evaluation and improvement. Evaluation and improvement. Target group for development include 100 young students and parents in the service area. The tools used in the research were short-course training courses, 5 life skills measurement courses. Evaluation of practical learning Student Satisfaction Assessment Form Group recordings Document Analyzer And interview form. Data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test and content analysis. The research found that 1. Model of lifelong education for local occupations. PATPEF consists of 1) Principles 2) Management Model 3) Objectives 4) Implement Processes (1) Preparation (P) (2) Assessment : A (3) Treatment : T (4) Practice : P (5) Post- Evaluation : E) (6) Performance Analysis (Feedback : F) 5) Supervision Controlling 6) Supporting 2. Performance evaluation of lifelong education model for local career. To enhance the students' life skills : PATPEF found that : 1) The appropriate and feasible aspects were most appropriate at the highest level. 2) Knowledge and Understanding after training in each short-course training course. Overall, students meet all criteria for assessment. 3) The learner's life skills after training. The overall training after training was significantly higher than before the training at the.01 and.04 level). Job satisfaction levels are at the very most.


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How to Cite

Lermkummarn, M. (2018). Lifelong Education Management of Participatory Process Model for Students’ Career Skills in Local School. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 5(2), 131–142. retrieved from



Research Articles