Model of Creating Sustainable Food Security of Households in NongMek Sub-District, Nachueak District, MahaSarakham Province


  • Tunyachanok Pawala Lecturer of Economic Science Program, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phanita soonthornchai Associate Professor of Final Management Program, Rajabhat Mahasarakham University.


Food Security, Self–sufficiency, Philosophy of Sufficiency Economic


This study is mixed methods research by using participatory rural appraisal (PRA)
research, the sample was selected with purposive sampling living in Nong Mek SubDistrict, Nachueak District, MahaSarakham consisted of 400 households, to study
household food security and select target groups from community leaders, folk
philosopher 50 villagers use forest and water. The methods are group meeting and
brainstorming, to study the model of food security of households and communities
from the natural resource base.
The results are as follows: analyze the risk factors, vulnerability and potential of
the food security community. The community is self-reliant on food from three food
sources consisted of 1) in the home, households can produce their own food using
community ingredients.2) Food source from water and 3) food source from the forest.
The food security of the household has three main components: 1) the ability to find
food. (With adequate food), 2) Access to the food of the household (Sufficient
resources for all households to find food) and 3) the use of food (With knowledge and
how to take advantage of food, including access to sanitation and water resources) the
conserve and restore sufficient food sources. People in the community have a
common practice it helps to maintain the food source of the community. Do not
dispose of wastewater. Not deforestation eats vegetables. No fishing in the spawning
season. Help keep the natural resources from deteriorating. The lives sufficiently,
cultivate a sense of reforestation, encourage people in the community to reduce the
use of chemicals, address ecological sustainability and safety in the future, such as
reducing the use of chemicals. Keep your own produce sufficient. The seeds are
planted in the next season and tradition to generation generations and to share or
exchange food in the community.


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How to Cite

Pawala, T., & soonthornchai, A. P. D. P. (2018). Model of Creating Sustainable Food Security of Households in NongMek Sub-District, Nachueak District, MahaSarakham Province. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 5(1), 143–154. retrieved from



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