Guidelines for Innovative Leadership Development of Private School Administrators in Kalasin Province


  • Nichapha Soonthornchai Student of Master of Education (Educatuon Administration), Khonkaen University
  • Asst. Dr. Chawengsak Preuksatewed Leturer of Khonkaen University, Nongkhai Campus
  • Dr. Prayuth Chusorn Leturer of Rangsit University


Guidelines, Innovative Leadership


This research were aimed (1) to study the current condition, desired condition
and needs developing innovative leadership of private school administrator in Kalasin
province, and (2) to study guidelines for developing innovative leadership of private
school administrator in Kalasin province. Population were 1,069 people. Sample was
the informants consisted of 278 people which were administrators and teachers.
Research instrument was questionnaire using dual-response format with modified
priority need index (PNI Modified) to prioritize needs. Focus group discussion for finding
of guideline innovative leadership of private school administrator in Kalasin province.
Target group was 5 experts. Data was analyzed through content analysis and presented
in essay format.
The finding revealed actual condition and desired condition of innovative
leadership of private school administrator in Kalasin province. The current condition
indicated highest level was transformational leadership followed by the Innovative
Risk- taking. The needs could be ranked based on PNI modified as follows : (1)
Visionary innovation, (2) Creative Thinking Innovation, (3) Innovative Strategy, (4)
Innovative Risk- taking, and (5) Transformational leadership.
The followings are guidelines for developing innovative leadership of private
school administrator in Kalasin province. School administrator should have meeting
planning for teachers to understand the clear picture. Teacher are involved meeting
and planning to get the potential job. Use innovation and technology to work faster
and more efficiently.


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How to Cite

Soonthornchai, N., Preuksatewed, A. D. C., & Chusorn, D. P. (2018). Guidelines for Innovative Leadership Development of Private School Administrators in Kalasin Province. Journal for Developing the Social and Community, 5(1), 67–76. retrieved from



Research Articles