A Model and Mechanism in Promoting the Participation in Developing Educational Quality of Schools in Remote area on Highlands : A Case Study at Ban Sob Mae Roum School , Mae Jam District, Chiang Mai Province


  • Boonchob Chantapoon
  • Jurai Phanochit
  • Thuschai Chansa
  • Prawet Wetcha


Participation, Educational management quality, Elementary school


        The objective of this  Study was to study  a  model and mechanism  in promoting  the participation in developing educational quality of schools in remote area on highland : A Case Study at Ban Sob Mae Roum School , Mae Jam District, Chiang Mai Province    The process method used in this study were   field survey  including the School Basics Survey,  in-depth  interview group , Focus Group Discussion and  analyzed the result of the studies  documents  concerned  by using the  Atlas ti Program in  helping analyzed the content analysis to answer the research question . Then present the research results by using a descriptive research.

        The results revealed that a model and mechanism in promoting the participation in developing educational quality of schools in remote area on highland : A Case Study at Ban Sob Mae Roum School , Mae Jam District, Chiang Mai Province  consisted of 4 forms : 1) The Patterns and the   Mechanisms of participation by the Chain of Command  of the organization happened  by the  structure   based on the  hierarchy of the organization. 2)  The Forms and Mechanisms of participation from the government organizations was a  model that formed by the structure and authority of government hierarchy via the  ministries and departments. The school was the  important mechanism in   presenting its needs and asked for the supporting  its requirement  3)  The  Models  and the   Mechanisms of participation  by the Outsider Organizations  ; This model  happened by the faith,  intent and the  purpose to support the basic factors of educational management and the development of educational quality  by the   international organizations , National Organizations, Foundations, Companies, Students’ Clubs , and by Person  4) The  forms and mechanisms for participation  from the community was  formed by the internal processes of the school  It was formed via  the school board of committee .  Moreover students’ parents cooperated to solve problems and improve the quality of school education by focusing on students’ learning outcomes via the local curriculum.


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How to Cite

Chantapoon, B. . ., Phanochit, J. ., Chansa, T. ., & Wetcha, P. . (2023). A Model and Mechanism in Promoting the Participation in Developing Educational Quality of Schools in Remote area on Highlands : A Case Study at Ban Sob Mae Roum School , Mae Jam District, Chiang Mai Province. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 22(1), 59–74. retrieved from https://so03.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/oarit/article/view/272971


