Happiness of Logistics Management Students, Faculty of Management Science, BanSomdejchaopraya Rajabhat University
happiness, ogistics management students, BanSomdejchaopraya RajabhatAbstract
This descriptive research aimed to study the happiness of logistics management students, the Faculty of Management Science, Ban Somdejchaopraya Rajabhat University. The population included logistics management students in years 1- 4. The factors affected to happiness and the method to cope with the stress. The demographic data, Thai Mental Health Indicator, the method to cope with unhappiness and the ways to boost up happiness in this research by chi-square.
The study found that the significant differences in happiness scores among the four years. The highest happiness level was the first-year students, followed by the fourth year, the second and the third year respectively by according to each level is statistically significant at level 05. The first three coping methods of unhappiness used included self-accepting, optimistic and friend consulting.
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