Developing a Preparation Activity Approach for Language and Culture Exchange Program towards a PDCA cycle for promoting Thai Language and Cultural Learning: A Case Study of the Language and Culture Exchange Program in Indonesia
PCDA cycle, Language and Culture Exchange Program, IndonesiaAbstract
This research was to develop a preparation activity approach for language and culture exchange program in order to promote learning Thai language and cultures towards a PDCA cycle. The participants of this study consisted of 22 Thais in academic year 2017 and 20 Thais and 27 Indonesians in academic year 2018 respectively. A process of developing the activity approach emphasized on collecting and summarizing students’ comments and suggestions on the programme in academic year 2017 to be used to develop a plan for academic year 2018 planning framework for developing the activity approach for exchanging language and culture consisted of five facets: (1) defining timeline, (2) defining the number of participants, (3) defining responsibilities of participants, (4) defining activities relating to preparing Thai language and culture exchange, and (5) defining language training activity. The research results found that the developed activity approach used in academic year 2018 in line with such planning framework could generate designing of various Thai cultural performances. In addition, from surveying the Thai students’views in academic year 2018, it was found that the activities performed could enhance their knowledge and understanding of Thai language and culture in the highest regime and much higher than in year 2017. According to Indonesians’ views, we found that the performances based activities were able to inspire their interest and understanding of Thai language and cultures.
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