Morale and Motivation in the Performance of Personnel of Chandrakasem Rajabhat University


  • อาจารีย์ ประจวบเหมาะ Chandrakasem Rajabhat University
  • รุ่งอรุณ กระแสร์สินธุ์ Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology


Morale, Motivation, Performance of Personnel


This research aims to1) study on personnel at Chandrakasem Ratjabhat University morale and work motivation 2) compare the level of personnel at Chandrakasem Ratjabhat University by classifying into the following personal factors, e.g. sex, age, education, income, agency affiliation, job status and work schedule, and 3) Lead to the improvement on the job performance morale and work motivation of personnel at Chandrakasem Ratjabhat University. Population used in the study were personnel working at Chandrakasem Rajabhat University. The sample consisted of 273 samples selected by proportional stratified random sampling and simple random sampling. The samples were determined by Taro Yamane's methods. Data collection tools were questionnaires. Statistical data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, f-test, One-way ANOVA and LSD statistics.

         The results of the study of the level of morale and motivation in the work performance of the personnel of Chandrakasem Rajabhat University in overall level were at the medium level. Welfare in addition to income, security of work, working environment, proper workload, income and compensation and the personnel development policy and work are at a high level As for the good relationship with other people in the organization, the front on which responsibility on career advancement, fair management, success in work and respect for being at a moderate level For the respect of being at the lowest level, respectively. The comparison of personal factors and the morale and motivation of the personnel were found that the educational personnel Income and work status were significantly different at the 0.05 level. The approaches for improving the moral level and work motivation consist of clarifying the recognition, job performance achievement and fair. Organization should be management to the principle of good government and understand primary need of employee to enhance work efficiency and bring organization through the goal.


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How to Cite

ประจวบเหมาะ อ., & กระแสร์สินธุ์ ร. (2019). Morale and Motivation in the Performance of Personnel of Chandrakasem Rajabhat University. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 18(2), 133–148. retrieved from


