Performance Methods of Sa Law by Kru Prommate Subhasri


  • ตั้งปณิธาน อารีย์ วิทยาลัยการดนตรี มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏบ้านสมเด็จเจ้าพระยา


Salow, Performance Methods, Kru Prommate Subhasai, Salow, Kru Prommate Subhasai, Performance Methods



        This article aims to present the performing techniques of Salaw by Prommaet Subhasri, including his profile related to folk music in the North of Thailand. In this study, the researcher explored playing rules and analyzed the techniques for playing two songs, Tai and Sri Muang. It is found that that the songs contain unique styles and common techniques are swiping the finger at the "Mi (M) note" by using the middle finger to go for the "Mi (M) note", swiping the finger at the "high Re note" and use the little finger swipe from the "high Mi note", and move up to the "high Re note". The same cycle is repeated throughout the music. Such cycle presents the outstanding techniques and expresses the feelings in the song. The methods also include ways to use a Salaw bow in order to play the instrument finely. Subhasri’s knowledge transfer process focuses on conventional instruction method, which is explaining and demonstrating steps by steps of the lessons including sitting posture, ways to catch a bow, patterns of melody playing, methods for playing with clear sound, swiping techniques, and finger trilling techniques, all of which are expected to benefit those who are interested.


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How to Cite

อารีย์ ต. (2018). Performance Methods of Sa Law by Kru Prommate Subhasri. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 17(2), 45–60. retrieved from


