Information Behavior of Students in Languages Communications and Information Technology Course of General Education Program


  • กัตตกมล พิศแลงาม มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฎวไลยอลงกรณ์ ในพระบรมราชูปถัมภ์


Information behavior, Information needs, Information seeking, General Education



        The objectives of this research were 1) to study information behavior of students in Languages Communications and Information Technology Course of General Education Program and 2) to comparison on information behavior of students in Languages Communications and Technology Course of General Education Program. The sample group was 126 students enrolled in information technology course in the second semester of academic year 2017, Valaya Alongkorn Rajabhat University under the Royal Patronage. selected by Stratified sampling. Tool used in this study were questionnaire for collecting data. The statistics used were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and F-test

        The results shown that 1) The study of information behavior of students in Languages Communications and Technology Course of General Education Program was found that the most to search engines on the internet and the resource students depended on the most to search for course related research assignments, students received during the whole academic year in the class. 2) The comparison on information behavior of students in Languages Communications and Technology Course of General Education Program by gender, year and faculty shown there was no difference between gender and year with significant level. However, comparing the behavior in information seeking behavior with statistically significant at the level of .05


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How to Cite

พิศแลงาม ก. (2018). Information Behavior of Students in Languages Communications and Information Technology Course of General Education Program. Journal of Information Technology and Innovation, 17(2), 23–34. retrieved from


