Core Competencies of Personnel in Organizations: A Case Study of XYZ Packaging Box Company


  • Yuttapong Duangrat Department of People Management and Organization Strategy, Faculty of Management Sciences, Panyapiwat Institute of Management
  • Chutinate Buaphuan Department of People Management and Organization Strategy, Faculty of Management Sciences, Panyapiwat Institute of Management


Competency, Core Competency, Employee, Packaging Box


This research aimed to determine the core competencies of the employees, with a case study of XYZ Packaging Box Company. It employed a qualitative research approach, gathering data through in-depth interviews, content analysis, and group discussions. The key informants were 5 high-level executives responsible for policy-making, strategic planning, and organizational management. The research was divided into two phases: Phase 1 involved identifying the core competencies of personnel to ascertain the organization's core competency requirements as communicated by the management. Phase 2 focused on verifying and confirming the core competencies of personnel to define the core competencies and behavioral levels exhibited at various job positions, utilizing a competency checklist. The research findings revealed that the core competencies of personnel in XYZ Packaging Box Company encompassed five dimensions, namely: 1) Responsibility, 2) Teamwork, 3) Creativity, 4) Communication, and 5) Ethics and Morality. This facilitated the establishment of clear operational procedures and objectives for employees within the organization, utilizing the competency framework as a foundation for developing an internal human resource management system. Consequently, this led to enhanced capabilities and competitive advantages in response to the rapidly changing economic landscape.


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