Management Guidelines for the Promotion of Community Occupational Groups in Bang Khayang Subdistrict, Mueang District, Pathum Thani Province.
Management, Promotion of Occupation, Community Occupational GroupsAbstract
The objectives of this paper were to focus on the current state of occupational groups. Create management guidelines for promoting occupational groups in Bang Khayang Community, Muang District, Pathum Thani Province. This is a qualitative research study. The 18 person sample group included 6 community leaders, 5 professional group leaders, and 7 general informants. The majority of the women in the study were housewives between the ages of 45 and 65. The findings revealed that most of the group members were middle aged women, work in a variety of occupations and earn less on average. Members of a group want to be recognized as a professional organization, desire to earn more money, and have a consistent income source from a second job. According to research on the current state of the Bang Khayang Community Occupational Group, the wreath group and the balsam group are two occupational groups that have continued to operate with community leaders in leadership of the organization's operations. According to the group, the professional group should be promoted, forming a group and establishing a specified working structure are both required. Members of the group lack of technology skills, managerial production, and marketing abilities. The group's products lack uniqueness, design, and development of new products, as well as lack of various distribution channels.
Guidelines for the management of occupational promotion for the community were being developed by researchers, community leaders, and group members. The upstream activities are resource procurement by bringing local medicinal raw materials to add value. Activities in the midstream are the design and development of new products. The downstream activities are to enhance technology knowledge skills for community members and develop distribution channels. In addition, supporting activities are to enhance knowledge on the establishment, operation of professional groups, business administration, production, sales, marketing and to enhance knowledge of the concept of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, which will lead to the learning process of running a business, creating a business organization in the community, generating income and strengthening the community. The results of the study are beneficial to community occupational groups and government sectors that support them in improving the quality of life and uplifting the economy of the community. Capable of implementing projects to meet the needs of community occupational groups. As a result, they will be able to continue into a self-sufficient community that will be able to grow in a sustainable.
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