social media, Prevention and Suppression of Corruption, Royal Thai PoliceAbstract
In the digital age society, the use of social media has played an important role in daily life in various dimensions, whether it be communication, transactions, as well as receiving information. Moreover, it can be done anywhere. at all times, including in developing the role and operations of the civil society sector in strengthening the prevention and suppression of corruption in various agencies to be more effective, such as the Royal Thai Police It has given the public an opportunity to participate and play an important role in pointing out channels of corruption in the agency to be able to investigate corruption. Seeking information about corruption to disseminate to people in society. It also helps in changing incorrect values into the right direction. and prevention and suppression of corruption as a policy of the Royal Thai Police. make people network organizationsAnd various agencies can follow the work of police officers through new media channels such as Line and Facebook. Instagram or through live channels to point out clues Provide information to offenders through online channels. This article proposes guidelines for using social media to prevent and suppress corruption in the Royal Thai Police. It is a guideline to solve the problem of corruption. Give the public an opportunity to participate when they see something incorrect. Not treated fairly or inappropriate treatment by police officers.
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