About the Journal

International Standard Serial Number:

ISSN 2985-1319 (Print)

ISSN 2985-1335 (Online)

Objectives and Scope of the Journal:

The journal aims to publish high-quality articles in the fields of social sciences and related disciplines, including Buddhism, political science, public administration, business administration, and education, as well as presenting analytical solutions to societal issues. It accepts articles in both Thai and English languages.

Types of Works Published in the Journal:

The journal accepts, research articles, academic articles, and book reviews.

  1. Research Articles: These articles present research work demonstrating originality and relevance to Buddhism, political science, public administration, business administration, and education. Research articles must have clear, concise content, novelty, a good structure, and include a discussion of research findings. The average word count for research articles should not exceed 8,000 words.
  2. Academic Articles: These articles present analysis, critique, and knowledge synthesis, indicating background, objectives, and problem-solving approaches related to relevant theories. Articles should present existing or new theories, citing credible scholars, being moderate, and contributing to the development of knowledge in Buddhism, political science, public administration, business administration, and education. The average word count for academic articles should not exceed 8,000 words.
  3. Book Reviews: These involve narrating and expressing opinions about a specific book, with the intention of introducing it to readers. They should include complete bibliographical details of the book, specify its type, outline its content, highlight special features or strengths such as illustrations, indexes, evaluations, and reasoned opinions on its worthiness for reading or acquisition, suitable for which reader group. Comparisons with other books in the same category should be included. Reviewers should have knowledge in the field of review and provide their name or information for credibility assessment.

Publication Schedule: 6 issues per year (starting from the year 2022 onwards):

Issue 1: January - February

Issue 2: March - April

Issue 3: May - June

Issue 4: July - August

Issue 5: September - October

Issue 6: November - December

Article Evaluation and Selection:

Each article will undergo peer review by at least 3 reviewers who are experts in the relevant field. Articles must receive approval from the editorial board before publication. The review process will be double-blind, meaning reviewers will not know the authors' identities, and authors will not know the reviewers' identities.

Language Usage:

The journal accepts articles in both Thai and English languages. Emphasis is placed on clear and concise language in articles to ensure clarity of meaning.

Publication Fees:

The journal has a policy regarding publication fees, which are charged after acceptance. The journal will issue receipts to authors through the university. The fee rates are as follows:

  1. Academic Articles or Book Reviews: 4,000 Thai Baht per article.
  2. Research Articles: 7,000 Thai Baht per article.

Authors are required to pay the publication fee only after receiving an email notification from the journal. The journal will not refund the publication fee under any circumstances.

Open Access Policy:

The aim of this journal is to provide open access to articles in the fields of social sciences and related disciplines, including Buddhism, political science, public administration, business administration, and education. Research works are made available to the public without charge, allowing broad access to anyone, anywhere in the world, online.

Ownership and Management:

The Graduate Program in Political Science, Faculty of Social Sciences, Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, owns the journal. The journal is partially supported by Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University. Funding sources vary, ensuring the journal maintains high publishing standards. All financial support enables the journal to maintain high publishing standards through rigorous peer review processes conducted by qualified experts.


SSR is an officially peer-reviewed journal and is under the supervision of Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University, Thailand.

Copyright and Licensing:

The journal prioritizes the protection of copyrights and licensing to appropriately safeguard the rights of authors and disseminate their work. The policy emphasizes openness, accessibility, and proper attribution. Authors retain copyright ownership of their works, and all articles are published under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), allowing for sharing, adaptation, and proper attribution. Authors are required to publish under the CC BY license, permitting reuse and distribution widely. The journal supports posting of articles to personal repositories, with limitations on institutional and funding mandates. Authors are instructed on copyright terms and licenses, ensuring their understanding of rights and responsibilities. This policy delineates collaborative work, openness, and shared responsibility. Authors retain profit and research community rights while upholding intellectual property rights.

Revenue Sources:

The journal receives partial financial support from Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University and collects publication fees from article submissions.

Advertising Policy:

The journal actively seeks to reach both academics and the general public to enhance its reputation and continuous acceptance. The journal maintains transparency throughout its advertising policy, engaging in relevant and appropriate advertising activities such as academic conferences, educational activities, research institutions, and educational institutions. Additionally, the journal presents itself as an affiliated journal of related conferences and does not have advertising affiliations that influence editorial decisions. This ensures the quality of articles through editorial scrutiny by qualified and impartial editors. The journal values ethics and professionalism while adhering to high publishing standards. Marketing strategies are employed with integrity and responsibility for the benefit of academics, fostering collaboration and transparent dissemination of esteemed research.