Provincial Policy, Development Innovation, Kalasin Happiness ModelAbstract
This research article was to study the factors affecting the formation of provincial policies that create development innovations that meet the needs of the area. Case Study: Kalasin Province. The methodology was the mixed methods, data were collected from 408 samples, by distributing questionnaires. To analyze the respondents' personal data, use frequency and percentage. Apply the mean and standard deviation. Using Pearson's correlation coefficient (r) to describe the relationship between policy formations effecting area innovation approaches and the analysis of policy formation opinions. The qualitative research, use in-depth interviews and focus groups to get opinions on other topics related to provincial policy formations that results in creative advancements that satisfy the needs of the region. Case studies from various committees in the province of Kalasin related to reducing local poverty. Using data from objective interpretations of the research, perform a descriptive content analysis.
The results of the study were found that: the majority were males, 208 of whom were 51.0% aged 41-54, and 116 were males and 28.4 percent. 1. The overall level of opinion on policy formation is very high ( =3.81), and when considered on a per-side basis, it is found that it is very high in all aspects, the economic dimension (
=4.10). Followed by the human capital dimension (
=3.88), the natural resource dimension (
=3.85), and the social dimension (
=3.40), 2. all dimensions are correlated to policy formation and policymaking that affects the approach to innovation in space.
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