Management, Public welfare, Cattle - Buffalo BankAbstract
This research article aimed to study the general condition, process, and suggestive The Model of Public welfare management on Cattle - Buffalo Bank in Surin Province. The research was mixed method as gathering Qualitative research, In-depth interviews were conducted among 18 key informants/person and collected data with Focus Group Discussions of 8 persons/person then content analysis was carried out. By other side, Quantitative research collected data from the sample 110 people were members of community enterprises. The questionnaire found the alpha Coefficient = 0.985.
The results showed that General condition of the enterprise group had a career in agriculture manure shortage Weakness was the problem of household debt. Lack of responsibility for cattle Lack of knowledge of cattle health care Propagation. Opportunity: The group received marketing support from the government. Problems and Obstacles: Climate change and epidemic conditions in the management process found that There was a plan to prepare both people and places. Establish group objectives to ensure stability Members comply with the rules. Promote the program to improve the cattle-buffalo breed to be higher. Enterprise members had 5 precepts as a framework to create volunteer spirit and developed members to have potential. Registration of members and cattle -buffaloes developed a method of raising and used technology to assist in raising. A Quantitative Research had results overall aspects were at a high level. Management Style VIGOR Model V = volunteer I = Instructions G = Goal O = Observe (learn) Notice) R = Race
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